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Jemele Hill interview on thebiglead.com

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Inky_Wretch, Oct 13, 2006.

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  1. Pringle

    Pringle Active Member

    No. But fair criticism - even harsh criticism - of her work is. And comments she makes in a published interview are.
  2. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    OK, Ace, why do you feel the need to defend her to the death? Surely you can't say her writing is terribly good. And I didn't ghost-write her blog entry on oral sex; she freely did that all by her lonesome, and should be accountable. And when you are a columnist, yes, you should be accountable for your personal blog, since a columnist essentially sells him/herself. And her personal blog made it that much tougher for all female reporters. She invoked Kindred in thebiglead interview. Would Kindred have blogged about how he'd pass his orals?
  3. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    Pringle, the only people who get more shit on SportsJournalists.com than Jemele are Albom, Lupica, Chris Berman and Stuart Scott. That's it. That's the the Top 5. (Michael Silver, probably, comes in sixth.) But in the top five, we have four people who are among the most ten recognizable people in sports journalism, and then Jemele Hill, a 20-something female African American columnist, third in the batting order at her paper, in a city with ONE professional sports franchise.

    It's fucking bullshit.

    The Orlando Sentinel is not, despite what some posters seem to believe, the greatest goddamn newspaper in the whole goddamn world. In fact, it's a great paper for its size, and it does a lot of good, daring stuff, and has had a lot of talented people move on after they made their mark there. But the people who constantly whine about her saying how she doesn't deserve that job need to get over their bitterness, because all it convinces me is that they're not talented enough to work at a place like Orlando anyway (which, as I've pointed out, ain't even the top of the food chain) and their jealous of the breaks she's gotten. I don't know her, never even met her, but I sure am tired of sports journalists acting like a great injustice has occured because they don't like THE THIRD COLUMNIST IN ORLANDO.

    Upset that someone got some breaks you didn't because she's black and female? Here's some advice: Work harder.
  4. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, like I lost a job to Jemele Hill. ::)
  5. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    I haven't even ever met her. I just think she gets a lot of mean shit on here for stuff that doesn't have anything to do with how she does her job.
  6. gridiron

    gridiron Member

    That's just what I don't understand: how many of us could even NAME the third columnist in most cities the size of Orlando? Yet people here spend tremendous amounts of energy tearing down Jemele at every opportunity. In the interest of full disclosure, I know Jemele and consider her a casual friend. But putting that aside, I can't understand the preoccupation and outright hatred that surrounds the very mention of her name.

    Get a life.
  7. Pringle

    Pringle Active Member

    How did I know that's what it was going to get around to.
  8. Pringle: You are a bitter disgrace.
    And this thread should be shut down. It serves no purpose other than to let tarts and phonies like Pringle vent because they were passed over for positions she got.
    And 21: you should know better than to join in.
  9. Pringle

    Pringle Active Member

    Hypocrite: A "bitter disgrace." That's ridiculous. All I've said is that Hill should be open to criticism just like anyone else.

    And let's drop the assumption that anyone who criticizes - or in my case, says it's OK to criticize - someone else is doing paste-up at the weekly shopper.

    In my mind, it would be more disgraceful and insulting to Jemele if she were protected from criticism by patronizing wannabe civil rights activists.
  10. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    I didn't think you were a small-timer, Pringle. I was going with "tart."
  11. Sam Mills 51

    Sam Mills 51 Well-Known Member

    I remember when Jemele Hill was a young reporter with the News & Observer.

    I haven't seen much of anything as proof that she's improved much. Sorry. Ready for Double Down's sound and fury ...
  12. Pringle

    Pringle Active Member

    Sam - People who have agendas of their own tend to see agendas in other people's opinions, as well, even where they don't exist.
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