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Jonathan Martin and the Miami Dolphins

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by wicked, Nov 1, 2013.

  1. SpeedTchr

    SpeedTchr Well-Known Member

    The way I hear it is Martin tried to confront his tormentor, but couldn't find him because he was...
  2. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    One thing I've been wondering about is the part where Incognito says he is going to slap Martin's "real mother." Could that be a sign that Incognito got close enough to Martin to find out some secrets and then threw those secrets back at him, and maybe out into the open?

    I remember reading an article years back that Warren Sapp did precisely that to a teammate.
  3. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    I'm wondering about all this rookie hazing and making them pick up $20K tabs. How much does it actually go on? Only to the first-rounders who can afford it? A seventh-rounder sure couldn't.
    And does anyone think for a second that Bible-Beaters like Tebow or Ponder would have paid for 20 bottles of wine, booze, beer?
    Then there's this: does a guy like Andrew Luck go through this? I'm telling you, if I was Luck and some asshole veteran demanded I finance a trip to Vegas, I'd have to say: "Fuck you. I'm the only reason you stumblebums are competitive now. You fucking take me out to dinner."
  4. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Um, what's you're height and weight again?
  5. joe

    joe Active Member

    You're in a room with Richie Incognito, Hitler and Walter O'Malley. You have a gun with just two bullets in it. Who do you shoot?
  6. Point of Order

    Point of Order Active Member

    You bastard!
  7. spikechiquet

    spikechiquet Well-Known Member

    ...or he just threatened to beat all of them up unless they gave it to him.
  8. Riptide

    Riptide Well-Known Member

    Incognito is a douchebag,
    but you still shoot Hitler twice.
  9. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    Any asshole veteran gets on Andrew Luck's case over the last couple of seasons, Luck goes into the GM's office, and by the time he comes out, the asshole vet is going to Vegas, all right, on a very slow Greyhound bus, on a one-way ticket.

    But that's because Luck was THE No. 1 pick in the draft.

    But Martin wasn't Mr. Irrelevant: he was the No. 42 pick in the draft. Upper half of the second round.

    Teams spend a lot of money and invest a lot of resources on upper-half second-round draft choices. Way too much to let a 30-year-old 8th-year player, obtained on waivers, fuck with that value.
  10. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    How did he take care of himself?

    By giving away $15,000 in lunch money and quitting his job?

    Give me a break.
  11. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member


    "Myth #1: The Columbine killers were social misfits who were bullied by their classmates.

    Truth: Eric Harris was a lady’s man, a charmer who had a number of good friends at school. Dylan Klebold went to the prom the weekend before the shooting.

    Both killers attended football games, dances, and school plays. Despite the media reports, neither of them were linked to the “Trench Coat Mafia.” Nor were they part of a street gang or known to dress in Gothic style."
  12. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    What would you do if someone was trying to extort $15 K from you and fucking with you and threatening your family - especially if it was someone you think you might lose a fight to?

    The NORMAL response among most people would be, to quote one of your heroes, "use any means necessary" to make it clear that you won't be bullied.

    And don't tell me you wouldn't because you are lying if you do.

    It is nice to play this pie in the sky "I'd walk away, turn the other cheek and let the authorities handle it because they always handle it the right way and would be able to make it stop...." shit on the internet but in real life, how many stories a day do we read about stalkers, bullies and harassment assholes who commit an act of violence against their subject because they weren't properly stopped by authorities despite repeated attempts by the victims to get authorities involved.
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