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Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by beeranyone, Dec 9, 2008.

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  1. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

    Eleven haters hating!
  2. SF_Express

    SF_Express Active Member

    10 writer sellouts.
  3. Nine points a'missing.
  4. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

    Eight words Boom actually knows how to spell.
  5. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    Nine luggies leaping
    Eight luggies milking


    Seven double downs watching swimming
  6. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    Six beejes baying.
  7. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    No, and I wish I knew a key phrase so I could search.
  8. mustangj17

    mustangj17 Active Member

    What's up with the Phelps story and the Baltimore breakfast he made famous. The place where he ate the massive breakfast that is now famous is in Ann Arbor.
  9. Lugnuts

    Lugnuts Well-Known Member

    I think it was posted in 2004. Would the search engine reach back that far?
  10. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    I thought the thread was more recent than that, like 2006. If the thread lives, it lives
  11. Lugnuts

    Lugnuts Well-Known Member

    Ha! Found it!

    [quote author=Johnny Dangerously]

    Someone starts a thread, and someone responds with an affirmation, and then someone else plays devil's advocate in a smart-ass way, and the person that starts the thread gets defensive, and then someone else chimes in to support the original post, and then support for the contrary position emerges, and then people start calling each other names, and then someone hijacks the thread, then someone complains about the momentum of the hijacking, and the next shift comes on and adds substance to the original topic, only to be met with more angry rants from both sides just looking for a fight, and then the topic becomes political, and the usual pissing matches find a new home, and someone asks people to keep the politics out of the thread, and someone reminds us this is why one political thread would be best, and then the original poster clarifies the original post, and people renew their arguments and redraw their lines in the sand, and then a moderator steps in and warns that the thread is dangerously close to crossing the line because of the NSFW posts and pictures nobody saw because they were removed too quickly for anybody to see them, and then everyone asks what they missed, and nobody knows, and it becomes this big thing, and then the thread finally gets back on track, and then it dies for a day or two, and languishes on Page 3, and then someone who was busy for two days finds it and restarts the whole argument, and someone really likes that take and declares the thread ended, and then someone says they hate when someone does that, and then someone says too bad, and then someone lists their own pet peeve, and then you get five pages of pet peeves, and then someone starts a new thread on pet peeves, and then someone complains about run-on sentences and throws out a reference to their old English teacher, as if we are using old English nowadays ...

    YankeeFan likes this.
  12. spaceman

    spaceman Active Member

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