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Last movie you watched......

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Jenny Jobs, Dec 29, 2008.

  1. jlee

    jlee Well-Known Member

    Caught "Skyfall" in IMAX last night. Great, great Bond flick. There were a couple of moments that caused me to roll my eyes, but nothing to spoil the rest.
  2. NDub

    NDub Guest

    Looking forward to seeing Skyfall this weekend, possibly tonight.

    I watched "127 Hours" last night. Good flick.
  3. Buck

    Buck Well-Known Member

    I liked 'Another Earth.' I despised 'Melancholia,' and I found 'Never Let Me Go' to be a strange combination of dull and interesting, which in the end is a good thing, I guess.

    I liked 'Prometheus.' It was visually interesting, and the subject, underlying theme and questions were really compelling for me. Weak narrative, but it still worked for me.
  4. NDub

    NDub Guest

    The problem with Prometheus was trying to take two types of script and smash them into one. Jon Spaights original script was a straight Alien prequel that existed in the mold of that film. After a few rewrites, the production company decided they wanted something separate from the Alien world. So, Damon Lindelof was brought in to provide a different concept and sort of disregard a lot of the Alien elements. Instead of just writing his own script, he had to do what the production company asked and re-write a divergent ideology. He gets a TON of unwarranted shit for this film. All he was doing was what the production company asked, which was damn near impossible considering Spaights script was already in place.

    Spaights had a helluva script and that would've made a badass movie. Lindelof, if given free reign, would've had a helluva script, too. But the ideas had to be smashed together and that's why the narrative was weak and clunky at times.

    It's a damn shame considering each of them had brilliant ideas and Sir Ridley directed the hell out of it.
  5. bigpern23

    bigpern23 Well-Known Member

    One of the strongest points of Prometheus is that it doesn't get lost in special effects. Ridley Scott did his best to make the movie "real" and that gave it a lot of weight, I thought. Why digitally generate a Scottish landscape when you can, you know, just fly a helicopter over Scotland?
  6. Greenhorn

    Greenhorn Active Member

    I found Prometheus to be awfully disappointing. A few halfway decent sequences but overall failed to generate much interest. Noomi Rapace is a compelling actress but having her play a Brit was a big mistake. Pearce and Theron were completely wasted in nothing parts. Fassbender was strong as always.
  7. Buck

    Buck Well-Known Member

    I liked it. Not an action or suspense moive, which is probably what many anticipated.
    But it was thought provoking.
  8. imjustagirl

    imjustagirl Active Member

    Needed more Idris Elba. :D
  9. Beef03

    Beef03 Active Member

    Just got back from it. Never been a big Bond fan, always thought they were OK, but never must see. This, however, was outstanding. I really liked. didn't find myself sitting their looking at the time on my phone (Not that I sit there with my phone on, but I pop it on just long enough to see the time come up and shield it against my leg or jacket to knock down any light). Great action, and they blow everything up. A lot of fun. Highly reccomend.
  10. Magic In The Night

    Magic In The Night Active Member

    Went to "Skyfall" yesterday. Thoroughly enjoyable. I just love Daniel Craig as Bond, he's so, mysterious. Quite amusing though that I went to the Bond film and then came out to learn that the head of the CIA had to quit because of an extramarital affair. Truth stranger than fiction!
  11. farmerjerome

    farmerjerome Active Member

    Ugh, I'm going to have to disagree with you guys on this one. I thought Skyfall sucked and the only saving grace was Bardem.

    I probably would've liked it a lot more if it was shorter -- I really thought they could have cut out about 40 minutes, mostly in the first hour.

    Two things. I really don't think I'm giving away any spoilers here either. 1) Bardem as a blond threw me off the whole time. I couldn't' take him seriously as a villain.

    2) One of the chase scenes is in the exact same spot that Taken 2 was. With two huge action movies coming out so close together, nobody realized this? The Bond one was better, but a lot of the cool factor was shaved off since I just saw it a couple of weeks ago.

    And honestly, kind of a spoiler here so....

    All of the "old" jokes about Bond really didn't help things. Maybe it was the fact that I was sitting in a theater full of 60-year-olds, and I know he's an older agent and that Craig has aged since his first movie since they took so long, but I still want to think of Bond as kind of a cutting-edge bad-ass. The jokes kind of ruined that.
  12. Dick Whitman

    Dick Whitman Well-Known Member

    As far as "Prometheus" goes, I think it suffers from the same flaw as "X-Men: First Class," "Inception," "The Avengers," and a slew of other recent sci-fi movies, in that it's just simply overstuffed. Too many characters. Too many set pieces. Too many plot threads to track. Too many of everything. I really wish they'd try to clean some of these up a little, because everything is diluted with the way they frequently make these now. Every character in "Prometheus," other than the lede woman, was completely disposable. SPOILERS AHEAD. They were in the movie, essentially, to be killed off. That being the case, there was barely any dramatic tension in any of the scenes, excepting perhaps the birth scene.

    I enjoy a good religious allegory. But compare to, say, "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," where it's more layered, and where you care about the cast of characters, even though there are at least as many involved as in "Prometheus." And I enjoy existential sci-fi, but whereas I got chills in "Close Encounters" when the Indian people were humming the tune in unison, I just wanted the analogue in "Prometheus," where Fassbender is in the completely holographic room, to end. No awe registered.

    * One final note: Has there been a more on-the-nose line in recent movies than, "This may be have been contaminated." Had to roll my eyes.
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