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Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Boom_70, Feb 10, 2012.

  1. qtlaw

    qtlaw Well-Known Member

    I never understood the adulation for Carmelo. Maybe it was his smooth name. Yes he was a scoring machine, but I always looked for how he made others better, rebounding, passing, and never saw it. The one year the Nuggets went to the Western Conf. finals, I never once thought it was because of Carmelo. Knicks are destined for mediocrity, forever trying to stay ahead of the Bucks.

    At least with Lin, they had potential. We've already seen what Carmelo brings, he's simply a larger Starbury. That backloaded contract was a brilliant move by Morey/Rockets. No way the Knicks stomach a potential $40M cap hit.
  2. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    But, the Knocks could have been proactive, and signed Lin. They didn't need to wait until he had an offer from the Rockets.

    Once they decided to let Houston set the market, they were at their mercy as far as how the contract was structured.

    And, let me tell you, even with no state income tax, nobody who isn't from Texas would rather live/play in Houston than in New York.

    Lin's marketing opportunities are much greater in New York as well.

    The Knicks didn't make him feel wanted. They didn't make resigning him a priority, and now they've lost him.

    People keep saying he's not great, but they were much better with him.

    Their current roster is old, unlikeable, and selfish. They will be terrible to watch.
  3. LongTimeListener

    LongTimeListener Well-Known Member

    There seems to be consensus that the Knicks are being smart here. But they are still Jimmy Dolan's playtoy, right? So odds are this turns out stupid. I also think the cap/tax is a smokescreen that allows the Knicks to avoid the real explanation they aren't signing him: Carmelo. (So nice of him to call the Rockets' offer "ridiculous" the other day. You can tell he thinks a lot of Lin.)
  4. PCLoadLetter

    PCLoadLetter Well-Known Member

    For the vast majority of players, that would be true.

    In Lin's case, I'm not sure it is. The Chinese connection with the Rockets because of Yao Ming might mean Lin's better off in Houston.
  5. qtlaw

    qtlaw Well-Known Member

    I really thought that Carmelo disliked him as well, would seem obvious. But then I read that Lin said it was Carmelo who pushed D'Antoni to play Lin, from the start and that Lin is very grateful to Carmelo for that help. So I don't think that Carmelo actually dislikes Lin.
  6. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    I understand there's a history of the Rockets marketing themselves in China. But, with the right representatives, Lin would be able to tap into the same marketing opportunities in Asia, while also being a marketing force in New York, and potentially nationally.

    The media attention he would have gotten for leading the Knicks to a good season and/or playoff success would dwarf anything he'll receive while playing in Houston.
  7. jackfinarelli

    jackfinarelli Well-Known Member

    It will take the Clippers a couple of decades to equal the championships that the Lakers have. So, I agree they are the #2 team in LA for a long time to come.

    However, the Knicks have not exactly been hogging the NBA championships for the past three decades. So, IF the Nets were to win a championship, might they not become at least Team 1 (a) in NYC?
  8. Football_Bat

    Football_Bat Well-Known Member

    I was late in seeing Cuban's genius in letting Terry and Haywood walk, but judging by everyone else's spending orgy, the cream may have nowhere else to go but Victory Plaza in 2013.

    Of course, that just means someone will pull a seven-team deal to boof the Shark-Toothed Jenga Player.
  9. Lugnuts

    Lugnuts Well-Known Member

    I liked Marc Stein's idea: the Knicks should match the offer and trade him after this season if it doesn't work out.

    C'mon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
  10. They should sign Lin and use the amnesty on Carmelo. ;)
  11. bigpern23

    bigpern23 Well-Known Member

    Question about the amnesty clause: Would it be possible for the Knicks to sign Lin and if he sucks to amnesty him after next season (or two years from now before his salary explodes)?
  12. sgreenwell

    sgreenwell Well-Known Member

    I believe you can only amnesty contracts that we signed pre-lockout.
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