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Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Jim Tom Pinch, Oct 2, 2006.

  1. Orange Hat Bobcat

    Orange Hat Bobcat Active Member

    I'm sure we'll find out in a flashback.
  2. mannheimadler

    mannheimadler Member

    I believe it protects him from Smokey the Monster.
  3. CaliforniaRed

    CaliforniaRed Member

    OK I went back and saw "Jacob" and he didn't look like Ben Franklin. It's right after Ben gets pushed back into the wall and damn this episode was outrageous! I can say no more.
  4. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

  5. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    I agree - this episode should have been titled Holy Sh*t!. I thought Locke was going to get the Joe Pesci treatment in GoodFellas, have Ben turn around and expose his Quatto from Total Recall or have "Jacob" actually BE Locke. As it was, I don't see Locke recovering - that pit didn't have any "magic" for the Dharma folks.
    What was the deal with the sand barrier around Jacob's crib? The whole episode had a serious Jonestown feel to it - and I don't get what the "other side of the tape" did to help Juliet's cause much. Glad to know I live near the birthplace of Ben, that rat bastard.
  6. When Locke first went into Jacob's house, it reminded me a little bit of the end of Apocalypse Now. I thought maybe Locke was the crazy one.
  7. 1. Definitely thought of Jonestown right away when I saw the bodies.

    2. The other side of the tape helped because it showed Jack knew about it already.
  8. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    I don't think it was sand around the shack.
    I thought it was gunpowder or maybe the residue left behind by the smoke monster.
    With Jacob becoming the smoke monster when he left the shack.
  9. my theory as to why locke and rose are "cured" while ben isn't is that rose and locke travelled back to a time before they had these problems. or they're in some sort of alternate time line. either way, i think it's possible to develop problems while you're on the island (ben) but if you came to the island with one the reason you don't have it anymore is because you're not in the same timeline as when you left...

    also...i thought it was gunpowder outside jacob's house (I thought that's why lock was smelling it but i could be wrong)...
  10. HeinekenMan

    HeinekenMan Active Member

    Um, what the hell is going on?

    It seems that Group B came along and killed Group A. Then it took over as the new Group A, and the plane crash brought in a new Group B. But I still don't understand who the jungle lady is, nor do I get the whole Jacob thing, nor do I understand how this whole birth thing plays into it. But Ben's mom died giving birth. Now the island kills every mother who tries to give birth. That seems to be an important fact. Perhaps the island is working against him, or perhaps he wants everyone to suffer the same fate that he endured.

    Also, what's up with the little doll he had? Some girl gave it to him. Was she killed? I missed that. If she wasn't killed, couldn't she be the Amazon lady?

    I'm not expecting answers. But I'd like to hear some theories. I love those.
  11. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    Was the little girl's name Annie or Dannie?
    Rosseau's first name is Danielle, but when they went through and showed the dead Dharma people, it didn't show a small body.
    I don't think that we'll see Locke's fate. I think that may show the grave site and his body won't be there, but you won't know what happened to him. Best guess is that he survives though.
  12. definitely annie...danielle didn't land on the island until the late 80s i think
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