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Mark Winegardner on the Alabama teabagger and LSU victim in ESPN the Mag

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Double Down, Nov 15, 2012.

  1. Drip

    Drip Active Member

    Wow. You do have some issues Rip.
  2. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    Downing did not come across as remorseful in the story. A lack of apology to the story seemed glaring. Justice will be served if Downing becomes someone's bitch in prison camp.

    As far degree's of justice handed out, I think a lot depends on the quality of your attorney. Downing must not have had a very good one.
  3. Doc Holliday

    Doc Holliday Well-Known Member

    Totally agree.

    And, personally, the idiot got off light with that reduced charge. If I were the LSU kid, I'd file a civil claim and sue the piss out of him. He'd wash dishes the rest of his life.
  4. Azrael

    Azrael Well-Known Member

    No story "writes itself."

  5. Fantastic! I knew the thread wouldn't be complete without a prison-rape joke. Such a hilarious topic.
  6. TheSportsPredictor

    TheSportsPredictor Well-Known Member

    A story that reads as if it wrote itself reads that way because the author did a pretty damn good job of writing it. There's a disconnect with saying the story wrote itself and finding fault that the guy didn't apologize. The guy didn't apologize. Maybe the guy isn't sorry. It's not the author's job to coerce an apology out of him. Had Winegardner done so, the story sure wouldn't be writing itself.
  7. Riptide

    Riptide Well-Known Member

    Doubt that the guy will do something that stupid again, but why waste the money it costs to imprison him for 10 months? Put him on a work crew every weekend for 10 months, with those nights spent in the county jail, and get some real value out of his sentence.

    The other guy isn't blameless, either. He got so drunk in public that he passed out for a couple hours, so live with that, buddy. You're a victim of yourself, too. :D

    Another case of stupid human behavior, not horrific crimes. I'd prefer that the punishment embarrasses the hell out of both of them and gives them stiff fines, then warns them not to fuck up again. Prison time costs taxpayer money, and you can still have stiff punishment without the public paying so much for it.
  8. Mark2010

    Mark2010 Active Member

    Stuff people do while intoxicated in beyond belief sometimes.
  9. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    If public intoxication was the standard for arrest on Bourbon St they would need The Super Dome to house everyone.
  10. Doc Holliday

    Doc Holliday Well-Known Member

    Acutally, I don't call play-by-play from a Youtube video with the timestamp included as great writing. But, of course, your standards and mine are obviously quite different.

    The story wrote itself because there was a video to use and write from. It didn't need any story telling. All you had to do was write what you watched, which the author did. It was weak and clearly not "great" writing.
  11. Doc Holliday

    Doc Holliday Well-Known Member

    I also explained that because there was no apology, it left me wondering and that the author didn't attempt to clarify whether the pervert was actually sorry or not. If you would actually read the entire post, you would have picked up on this.

    I'm not stupid. I know it's not the god damn job of the writer to fucking coerce an apology out of the pervert. Pay attention dooshbag and you'll figure it out.
  12. Drip

    Drip Active Member

    Point is, the fucker pulled out his wanker and rubbed it on a guy's face not once but several times. He knew exactly what he was doing and enjoyed it. I hope the guy sues the shit out of him and Krystals.
    And should he get the same treatment in the joint, it will be well deserved. Then we'll find out if he swallows.
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