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Mark Winegardner on the Alabama teabagger and LSU victim in ESPN the Mag

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Double Down, Nov 15, 2012.

  1. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    A couple of dumbasses when I was in college were arrested for sexual assault for shaving the private parts of a drunken girl at a party.

    She was drunk, she stripped herself, she passed out - and none of her friends thought that maybe their drunk naked chick in a house full of drunk college kids was a recipe for disaster. Again, the chick was so drunk she is LUCKY the only thing these idiots did was shave her - and from what I remember there was some serious questions about whether that is where it actually stopped.

    I think these idiots are probably lucky that I am an old fart and when we were in college we didn't have cell phones, much less cameras and whatnot because this is the kind of thing that would have been captured by someone, put online and I guarantee you that it would have caused far, far bigger legal issues for them.

    Again, the message in all of this is drink sensibly, don't drink yourself into oblivion because when you do you make a lot of really bad - potentially dangerous - decisions.
  2. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    Do you at least concede that had dude been sober he wouldn't have made the same choice?
  3. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    Actually, if management wanted to do the right thing they should have called the police - on the drunk idiot passed out on the table.

    He would have then been arrested for public drunkenness, taken to a drunk tank somewhere, allowed to sober up and then given a citation and sent home.

    That's what SHOULD have happened.
  4. Drip

    Drip Active Member

    If he were "sober," he probably wouldn't have rubbed his wanker on the guy. I'll give you that. As for what should've happened, yeah, you make a strong argument there too. However, that's coulda, woulda and shoulda territory. The bottom line is that a crime was committed and Krystals is cupable.
  5. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    If the kid had any integrity the only people he would sue is the teabagger.

    It isn't Krystal's fault, it isn't the bars that served him fault, isn't the French Quarter's fault - it is dude's fault for getting so smashed that he passed out on the table and it is dude's fault for being such an adolescent idiot that he teabagged him.

    This is what I hate about the age of "nobody is accountable" and "everyone owes me" --- any lawsuit not directed at the Alabama foof should be tossed out immediately.
  6. Drip

    Drip Active Member

    Integrity has nothing to do with this Zag. Drunk or sober this kid should've been protected by management and the fact that several employees watched this and did nothing is very disturbing.
  7. Riptide

    Riptide Well-Known Member

    Yes. The "victim" technically broke the law, too, by being drunk and unconscious in public.
    Not that I care about that, but let's not pretend that he didn't do anything wrong.

    It's two drunken idiots fucking up in public.
    Take it to Judge Judy. They both deserve the televised embarrassments.
  8. JC

    JC Well-Known Member

    It was a man, some people around here would only do it to a woman.
  9. Bamadog

    Bamadog Well-Known Member

    Good luck getting him to file charges, especially since he laughed about it the next day. No permanent harm was done, which was always my limit on pranks. Are you aware hair grows back?

    We used to tie people to trees and leave them in Boy Scouts for a few hours. Hazing? Sure. But it was harmless fun. It was voluntary and if someone made too big a fuss, we let 'em get out of it. Ditto in the military with "pinning" when you made rank. It was voluntary, as was the sometimes-brutal, other times hilarious ceremony when you crossed the equator. Another example is getting tossed in the drink in-port on your birthday. Even our ship's captain helped toss some of us overboard. We also had people "calibrate" the radar wearing aluminum foil covered clothing and wave aluminum-covered paddles, which was hilarious.

    There's a big difference between good-natured pranks and sexual assault. Big difference.

    But my point is there is a big difference between innocent pranks and sexual assault. While I'm of the opinion we've become huge wusses about everything in this society, sexual assault is something that requires zero tolerance. This was not an innocent prank. Not at all.
  10. Riptide

    Riptide Well-Known Member

    Sexual assault? Where? ... It was a battery charge. Illegal touching.
  11. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    That is a good point - everyone else in that establishment who was cheering and taking pictures should have to answer for this as well. And the fact that nobody stepped in and kicked this Alabama dude's ass is a joke as well.
  12. Riptide

    Riptide Well-Known Member

    Maybe they were non-whites and didn't want any part of that circus.
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