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Movie scenes that make you cry

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Evil ... Thy name is Orville Redenbacher!!, Aug 29, 2007.

  1. Dangerous_K

    Dangerous_K Active Member

    You know, in the finale when the dad passed away I damn near bawled. I was pretty young then, but that dad was a carbon copy of my own.
  2. longgone

    longgone Member

    Two scenes from Saving Private Ryan.....at the end in the cemetery, of course, and when the medic dies crying for his mother. Tough stuff.
  3. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Longtime reader, first time poster. Here are some of my tearjerkers:

    My Girl: When Vada tells the mother of the Macauley Culken character that her son is O.K. in heaven because her mother, who died giving birth to her, will take care of him.

    A League of Their Own: When Betty Spaghetti finds out her husband dies with the telegram.

    Steel Magnolias: The funeral scene after Julia Roberts' character dies. Such a swing of emotions.

    Mr. Saturday Night: Billy Crystal at his mother's funeral. He starts cracking jokes, but at the end is crying.

    Backdraft: The son holding his father's firefighting helmet at the funeral.

    TV nomination: Diff'rent Strokes episode when Willis leaves home after a dispute with Mr. Drummond and moves in with a friend who drinks. Willis and friend get into a car accident, then an injured Willis comes home, asks to come back, and asks Mr. D. to help his friend. The phone then rings, and Willis finds out his friend has died.

    Willis starts crying and says, "Look at me, I'm crying like a little boy"

    Mr. Drummond's reply: "No son, you are crying like a man."

    Everytime I cry when someone dies, I always think of that scene.
  4. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Forgot about that one....also forgot how much I liked that character when I watched the show.
  5. huntsie

    huntsie Active Member

    "Homeward Bound" When the old dog, Shadow comes over the hill after Chance and Sassy have already returned.
    "Philadelphia:' When he dies, and they're showing the film at the reception at his house afterward, and there's one when, as a little boy, he puts the ball glove on the wrong hand."
    "Mr. Holland's Opus:" The final concert.
    There are several others...
  6. MartinEnigmatica

    MartinEnigmatica Active Member

    Excellent choice. I saw this a few months ago, and forgot all about it when I saw this thread. Such unbelievable, emotional film-making.
  7. EmbassyRow

    EmbassyRow Active Member

    I'm only going to say this once. It's called the Sarlacc.

    (adjusts nerd glasses, sniffles) Jeeeeeeez....

    Oh, addition to the TV list: Studio 60's Christmas episode. Not because of the "...I'm coming for you, Jordan" scene, but the amazing brass rendition of "O Holy Night" by Hurricane Katrina-displaced New Orleans jazz artists. Now on my permanent Christmas playlist.
  8. Simon_Cowbell

    Simon_Cowbell Active Member

    One of the best debut posts ever.
  9. audreyld

    audreyld Guest

    In the tv category, there's an episode of Fresh Prince with Will and his dad. His dad basically abandons him all over again after promising to spend time with him, and Will starts crying and asking, "Why doesn't he want me?"

    His uncle just wraps him up in a bear hug and lets him cry.

    It's a tear jerker.
  10. Songbird

    Songbird Well-Known Member

    "The Champ" when little Ricky Schroeder starts bawling when Jon Voigt dies. I was 7 when I saw that scene, went running into my room crying.

    "The Notebook" when Gina Rowlands and James Garner die together, in bed, holding hands. Great fucking moment.

    "Ice Castles" when Holly Lynn Robinson trips over the roses and tells Robby Benson, "I forgot the roses," to which Benson says, "You forgot the roses."

    Probably a few others, too.
  11. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    "Field of Dreams," vote no. 897. Most of the movie is hokey, but the payoff still packs a punch.

    "It's A Wonderful Life," "To my brother George..."

    "Saving Private Ryan." My father's older brother is buried in France.

    Anakin/Darth's death scene in "ROTJ." Never used to think much of it, but now after having seen the whole series, it means a lot more.

    The end of "Broken Flowers," where Bill Murray stands alone in the road, wondering if he'll ever know for sure whether he has a son or not, and then the Volkswagen rolls by and pulls away, as Homer Murray looks out the window.

    The payoff scene of "Immortal Beloved," where the aging, sick, written-off-as-a-lunatic and utterly deaf, Ludwig van Beethoven concludes conducting the Ninth Symphony with "Ode To Joy," is turned around by one of the musicians to see the crowd risen in a roaring ovation.

    The end of "Seabiscuit." We can only hope Disney's upcoming Secretariat movie has a comparable ending.

    Tom Joad's farewell in "The Grapes of Wrath." The highway is alive tonight...
  12. GuessWho

    GuessWho Active Member

    Everything I can think of has been mentioned, so I'll second (or third) the nomination of the Fry's Dog episode of Futurama. I can't even watch it when it comes on.

    I don't know if it's a tearjerker, but another TV episode that always touches me is from Taxi, when Rev. Jim's relatively estranged father dies and leaves him a tape cassette of Stevie Wonder's You are the Sunshine of My Life. Last scene has Jim laying on the couch, listening to it.
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