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New Sorkin Trailer

A little clunky, but I liked it.
The love-triangle bullship is contrite, but I knew it would be there.
As mentioned before, the amount of info they pulled up from the time they were arguing until showtime was impossible, even for the best of the best. Jim knowing a lot of that crap about the oil rig just seems to contrived.
And more unrealism kicked in: Um, all the new people just happened to know how to use the computer system? I've worked in many TV and newspaper newsrooms...it's not that streamlined that you can walk in and know how work ship like that. (eg. the brand-new EP walking up to the Chyron op and changing a graphic in under a minute)
Although, the computer system looked a bit like ENPS, so I would have been able to slide in. :D
Yet...the show kept me watching. So I guess it's OK in my book.
It was rough, but I forgive that for a pilot.

I hated all the interpersonal stuff, which felt recycled from Sorkin's earlier work, but the newscast itself was well-done. Best part of the show for me, though it took too long to get there, and I'm very meh on the conceit that these guys had better sources on the BP oil spill than reporters in New Orleans. It also felt...I'm not sure "tame" is right, but very conventional for an HBO show, apart from the occasional f-bomb. This could have been done on a network without any major changes.

I'll keep watching, but I hope the characters get more interesting.
Aaron Sorkin, much like Kevin Smith, needs to realize at some point that PEOPLE DO NOT TALK TO EACH OTHER LIKE THIS.
Especially not in a freaking newsroom.
Maybe he does realize it. This is fiction. Entertainment. And even if it is not realistic, it is fun to listen to people talking like that.
The whole thing felt borrowed from previous Sorkin shows. It reminded me way too much of Studio 60, which is far and away my least favorite of his shows (yes, even the sappy, stupid, overrated pilot).

That said, I guess I liked it and will keep watching. I have a strange relationship with Sorkin. I can't watch any five minutes of any West Wing episode without getting goosebumps (and that includes seasons 5 and 6, which are not at all crap). I liked Sports Night but it wore on me. (And the Natalie-Jeremy relationship is about as unbelievable as any I've ever seen.) All the grandiose speeches, they seemed much more at home in the White House, in West Wing, than they have anywhere else Sorkin has set his shows. Maybe a cable newsroom will be able to contain them without making me sick to my stomach.
Then there's this:

and this:


Maybe I can only truly love one Sorkin series. He recycles so much, including plots. I can't wait until the entire episode of Newsroom is based around a character writing a letter home as commotion breaks out all around him or her.
Pilot said:
Then there's this:

and this:


Maybe I can only truly love one Sorkin series. He recycles so much, including plots. I can't wait until the entire episode of Newsroom is based around a character writing a letter home as commotion breaks out all around him or her.

Hey, it worked for M*A*S*H*
Pilot said:
The whole thing felt borrowed from previous Sorkin shows. It reminded me way too much of Studio 60, which is far and away my least favorite of his shows (yes, even the sappy, stupid, overrated pilot).

That said, I guess I liked it and will keep watching. I have a strange relationship with Sorkin. I can't watch any five minutes of any West Wing episode without getting goosebumps (and that includes seasons 5 and 6, which are not at all crap). I liked Sports Night but it wore on me. (And the Natalie-Jeremy relationship is about as unbelievable as any I've ever seen.) All the grandiose speeches, they seemed much more at home in the White House, in West Wing, than they have anywhere else Sorkin has set his shows. Maybe a cable newsroom will be able to contain them without making me sick to my stomach.

Does anybody remember when Sorkin left The West Wing? I thought he was gone by season five or six.

He definitely borrows from hiimself quite a bit and puts different characters in the same situations. Still worth giving this a shot. I liked the first episode even if it wasn't believable. We'll see how long that lasts.
outofplace said:
Pilot said:
The whole thing felt borrowed from previous Sorkin shows. It reminded me way too much of Studio 60, which is far and away my least favorite of his shows (yes, even the sappy, stupid, overrated pilot).

That said, I guess I liked it and will keep watching. I have a strange relationship with Sorkin. I can't watch any five minutes of any West Wing episode without getting goosebumps (and that includes seasons 5 and 6, which are not at all crap). I liked Sports Night but it wore on me. (And the Natalie-Jeremy relationship is about as unbelievable as any I've ever seen.) All the grandiose speeches, they seemed much more at home in the White House, in West Wing, than they have anywhere else Sorkin has set his shows. Maybe a cable newsroom will be able to contain them without making me sick to my stomach.

Does anybody remember when Sorkin left The West Wing? I thought he was gone by season five or six.

He definitely borrows from hiimself quite a bit and puts different characters in the same situations. Still worth giving this a shot. I liked the first episode even if it wasn't believable. We'll see how long that lasts.

After Season 4. My comment on Season 5 and 6 isn't relevant I guess.
What's being glossed over, or denied, here is that if you take these grandiose speeches and high-minded ideals out of "The Newsroom," you have ... a newsroom.

I don't mind working in one, but the one I saw last night was considerably more compelling.

So what if they don't happen every day in a real newsroom? I'm watching a TV show. Suspension of disbelief, folks.
jr/shotglash said:
What's being glossed over, or denied, here is that if you take these grandiose speeches and high-minded ideals out of "The Newsroom," you have ... a newsroom.

I don't mind working in one, but the one I saw last night was considerably more compelling.

So what if they don't happen every day in a real newsroom? I'm watching a TV show. Suspension of disbelief, folks.


this is fiction, folks. sorkin's vsion of an ideal world, where no one ever stammers or pauses to collect a thought. i find it to be brilliant, no doubt because it i share sorkin's idealism. but it you cant buy into the banter, the seamless patter and rat-tat-tat pace of the dialogue you'll be turned off. if you appreciate the writing and wit, you'll be all in. i'm an unabashed sorkin fan. love everything he's done. so i'm in the 'all-in' group hopng there are enough of us to give this series a longer shelf life than 'studio 60.'
It's funny, I tried to get into SportsNight, but never could - mainly because the characters acted like they were curing cancer. Same with Studio 60.
A Few Good Men and West Wing - didn't have a problem with the Sorkinese, because what the characters were doing WAS darn important and I didn't have a problem with them taking themselves so seriously.

BTW - didn't realize Sorkin wrote Malice.
"I'm the new guy around here and I want to make friends, so I'll say this to you and we'll start fresh. If you don't like my jokes, don't laugh. If you have a medical opinion, then please speak up and speak up loud. But if you ever again tell me or my surgical staff that we're going to lose a patient, I'm gonna take out your lungs with a forkin' ice cream scoop. Do you understand me?"
and then there is this:

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