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NY Daily News: Ankiel linked to HGH

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by sportshack06, Sep 7, 2007.

  1. Jesus, what the hell is going on around here? People are losing their damned minds and not minding their own business ...

    My response to him was solid. No meanness. Then I cracked a joke based on his handle. There was no inflammation and, even if there was, your brand of antihistamine is not helping any.
  2. But I hope we can just agree to disagree Doc ... that make you feel better? Didn't think so.
  3. Chi City 81

    Chi City 81 Guest

    You can keep this circle-jerk going for all I care. I'm out.
  4. indiansnetwork

    indiansnetwork Active Member

    Thank you, for the in depth look at what happens and why, to most Journalist this might seem intuitive but to a passer by it would not.
    Surprise !
  5. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    Is this supposed to be Huckleberry, or the Volunteer Thread Police Circle Jerk Task Force?

  6. markvid

    markvid Guest

    Oh, so now you're a passerby instead of a Pulitzer winner?
  7. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Exactly. You've got to think Boras let Ankiel know this was coming. The kid could have said something if he wanted. If not, it was Boras failing to do his job, not the reporter. And say what you will about Boras, he's good at his job.
  8. For your information, I've done award-winning investigative work and have the plaques hanging in my office to prove it. I took the time to get both sides, even though it took me a week to get the side that didn't want to talk. I held the story, arguing with my editors that it would not be fair an objective until I covered all the bases, including the the subject himself (not an agent or PR person or spokesperson).

    Again, I stand by my previous statement. I agree to disagree with you on this issue. I respect your opinion and I understand your opinion, and I hope that you will respect my opinion and understand it as well.
  9. John D. Villarreal

    John D. Villarreal New Member

    You dudes are getting whack. Peeps need to behave/relax and grow up.

    Couple of things:

    1.) Jayson Stark freakin rules. He is vibing with the JDV arguments. NICE! Great to have someone strong carrying the JDV message GLOBALLY! Learn something from him peeps! Rock it JS!!

    2.) Huck is a great new addition

    3.) Cranberry (Villa Army Special Forces) continues to OWN all around here. Schools in session w/ prof Cran!

    4.) Indiansnetwork knows more than most so lay off of him. I wouldn't throw too many stones especially those living in glass houses around here (peeps covering HS games in small towns, peeps on the technical side talking about "great fair/balanced investigative journalism" etc.).

    5.) Over and over it is proven too often what I & Stark have said there is FAR too much bias in sports journalism today & it isn't good. At this point WAY too many are focused on shedding more heat than light & it is not advancing the greater good & turning off the audience.

    Mad props to people like Stark, Sally J, Caple, and a GROWING list looking to do great FAIR work and get proper perspective. Where does it end? I am anti-drug but people are sick of this dreck. What do some of you want? To shut down many leagues/sports/ Do, you want to throw all these athletes in jail & take all their money.

    I am sure many will say, "I want sports to be pure & fair, bla bla." Ha ha ha, yeah right wake up. Never were & never will be as Sally & I point out. Moreover, NOTHING in life is fair - so get out of fantasy land. Hmm, is SJ fair? Do peeps get ins they didn't deserve? Is there discrimination? Do stories get run or killed for "questionable reasons?" Are there hit pieces? Do some SJ's "sell out" to make $$ (I can think of many suspects here), etc. etc.? Come on dudes, grow up. It's called LIFE - check into it.

    Bottom line is there is a role for testing/oversight but an even bigger role for open mindedness and long-term health/scientific testing to determine the true risk/reward of these substances. I think MANY would be surprised at the results. However, athletes too must be honest with themselves and their choices. The main problem is abuse and abuse of anything almost always leads to bad results.

    Besides, let's not play dumb. If you REALLY cared about the "health and safety of athletes" (let alone the country) and wanted to ban something ban Alcohol ok! Oh no, you can't do that! Many would say "I like booze, booze gets me laid, calms me down, makes me feel good, etc." Ha ha, uh ok, & name for me a substance that causes more death or health issues per year? Maybe, maybe tobacco. PEDS aren't EVEN close - lol!!! So, stop playing games & being dumb.

    Anyway, I will leave the really good stuff for another time and another venue. No need to give too much away for free. My general message has always spread to the powers that be precisely as planned and now they are spreading the gospel of sanity so that we may hopefully soon end up in a reasonable place for all.

    JDV - The Super Genius
  10. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    maybe you, cranberry, indians and huck are the new future of this web site. what a wonderful, place it would be.

    march on villa army. i hope you own SportsJournalists.com by the end of the year.
  11. John D. Villarreal

    John D. Villarreal New Member

    Ha ha, buck up dude, there is room for all. Why are you worried about more participation in SportsJournalists.com?

    Besides, JDV could buy SportsJournalists.com now...of course, there are other options as well ;)

    For now JDV is happy to post occasionally on subjects that interest him and interact with people of class, maturity, and insight/brilliance (or those that can temporarily muster it).

    So chill out, the sky isn't falling, the sun WILL come up tomorrow & SJ & your buds will be here tomorrow for you to post on/to.

    JDV - The Super Genius
  12. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    why in the world would you say i think the sky is falling? come on jvd, march that villa army in with general cranberry and srg. rok riding roughshot and take over this damned place. you guys are the future of sports information.
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