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Page 2-style writing

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by DMS, Sep 28, 2006.

  1. DMS

    DMS New Member


    first time poster (and member), long time reader

    anyone have any success reaching, getting feedback from, pitching, etc. ESPN.com's Page 2? much of my work is in that style. it's appeared on sports-central.org and a monthly here, Chicago Sports Review (chisport.com). I had a contact at ESPN and ESPN.com that would occasionally contribute to Page 2. He would get my stuff from time to time (when he deemed appropriate) in front of their editors -- and i would get decent feedback -- and my contact would tell me that two years ago my pieces would definitely fit there -- but now there are so many contributors, it's very hard.

    but now that contact left to go to another outlet. i was able to wrangle contact info for the editor from him and another former ESPN.com page 2/page 3 columnist (fyi -- while it might seem self-serving and too forward, that's a decent way to form a relationship and develop a contact - take a piece you like, email the author to let him know, exchange some dialogue-- and then when the time is right let him know you do some writing as well -- and in a very non-threatening way and no-obligation way, drop some pieces on him), and have exchanged some emails with him, had him read some stuff, give comments, etc. -- so i guess i'm in as good a spot as you can be in (w/out having a big name).

    more important, any other outlets that might run page 2-type pieces. there's SI.com's Scorecard Daily, but i'm sure that's an uphill climb to say the least. i guess deadspin?

    glad to be on board

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