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President Obama's Middle East Speech

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by YankeeFan, May 19, 2011.

  1. Michael_ Gee

    Michael_ Gee Well-Known Member

    Again, Boom, you are right. But it doesn't matter. This is an issue, like all issues in all politics everywhere, where the minority that cares a WHOLE LOT about what happens will always triumph over a majority that either doesn't care or feels the opposite way but not very strongly.
    It's not even the best example. Most Americans have a vague sense of supporting Israel. Nobody but an increasingly small percentage of older Cuban Americans gives a rat's ass about Cuba or the embargo, and some powerful interests, like farmers, support ending the embargo, but the passionate minority gets its way.
  2. Bamadog

    Bamadog Well-Known Member

    But what are the Israelis to do? Accept the right of return and watch their country turned into another Arab state with a Jewish minority? I don't think the Jews want to go back to dhimmitude. We all know how that one turns out.

    Why can't the Arab states accept their brethern, these so-called refugees, many of whom left their lands voluntarily because the Arab states said they'd drive Israel's patchwork army into the sea? Because they're pawns to be used against Israel. Sad, yes.

    As for the Irish, they had a language, a culture, an ethnicity and a sense of a nationhood, something that the "Palestinians" did not have and still don't. They are no different from their fellow Arabs. Language? Check. Religion? Check. Ethnicity? Check. If it walks and quakes like a duck, it's probably a duck
  3. CarltonBanks

    CarltonBanks New Member

    Knock me down with a feather.

    What about a world leader that comes to our country and blasts the United States in a speech to Congress? Did that offend you? Something tells me you weren't all that upset with Calderon ripping the US on the floor of the US Congress because, well, you agree with him. That, my friend, is hypocritical.
  4. TrooperBari

    TrooperBari Well-Known Member

    Off to derail another thread, are we?
  5. Mark McGwire

    Mark McGwire Member

    It's not an all-or-nothing proposition, bamadog. There is going to be a Palestinian state. The Israeli people know this. The basic framework for a deal is a known quantity. The Israelis are going to have to give up some land. The Palestinians are going to have to give up some land. They're going to have to agree on a workable border. And in the endgame, you'll deal with right of return -- which is never going to happen -- and Jerusalem.

    Why didn't the Arab states take better care of the refugees in 1967? Because they were run by despots who wanted to use them as political pawns. Absolutely. But that was 45 years ago, man. These people are still living in camps. Whole generations. And since then, the Israelis have occupied lots of territory that was never theirs according to the 49 charter, never supposed to be theirs, was not taken in the 67 war and is not theirs to take. And they've occupied even more. I mean, be real. Your viewpoint might have hunted in 1972, but not today, at least not outside of Likudnik propoganda. I mean, really? "So-called refugees"? Again, I'm as pro-Israel as you will find a person, but that's ahistorical and insulting. These people exist. They have a grievance. There will be two states on that land, and soon.

    You contradict yourself with your rebuttal to the Irish comparison. So I won't bother. The comparison is apt. Not identical. But apt. You can't occupy a piece of land for 50 years and STILL be arguing, "Hey, they don't have a government."

    If Netanyahu was smart, he'd agree with everything Obama said yesterday publically and then sit down at the bargaining table and wait for Hamas to self-destruct. As it is, he's losing perception battle, and it's one he could easily win. The world sees Hamas clearly. But they're the elected government of the Palestinian people, and he can't just continue to refuse to change the status quo. He'll lose the perception battle, and he'll lose in the UN unless we bail his ass out, again.
  6. CarltonBanks

    CarltonBanks New Member

    "Peace based on illusions will crash eventually on the rocks of Middle East reality," an unsmiling Netanyahu told Obama in the Oval Office.

    So much for that, Mark.
  7. Mark McGwire

    Mark McGwire Member

    Yes. Netanyahu being a douche means everyone else in the world has to give up.

    He's making a choice, here. The framework Obama outlined is the same one American presidents have been outlining for nearly 30 years. It's the same one Israeli PMs have been outlining for the last 20.

    He wants to go full-retard here, he can. But if the United Nations decides to recognize a free and independent Palestine in September, and we don't veto, he'll have effectively pissed away all of Israel's moral authority in the matter.
  8. Flying Headbutt

    Flying Headbutt Moderator Staff Member

    At what point can a president just tell him to go fuck himself then?
  9. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    In a matter of speaking, I think he already did - yesterday.
  10. Mark McGwire

    Mark McGwire Member


    Netanyahu's party finished something like second out of 12 to win seats in the last Knesset elections. Israel always has a coalition government. How this thing breaks with the public in Israel is the key. They distrust Obama, but it isn't like Netanyahu's got a stranglehold. Something like 20,000 changed votes and he's out on his ass.
  11. sportsguydave

    sportsguydave Active Member

    Yep. And it was about damn time.
  12. Mark McGwire

    Mark McGwire Member

    I hate to be the contrarian, I truly do...

    But Obama didn't say anything yesterday that hasn't been said before.

    This is Netanyahu being a dick about it -- and large swaths of the US media going along for the ride.

    With regards to parameters of the negotiations -- Ehud Olmert has given the same speech, Hillary Clinton has given the same speech, Yitzhak Rabin gave the same speech. George W. Bush gave the same speech, Bill Clinton gave the same speech. I could continue.
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