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Random Thoughts, the Sequel

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Johnny Dangerously, Feb 28, 2007.

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  1. You're not supposed to watch the Tournament on TV when you're driving, Oz.
  2. Songbird

    Songbird Well-Known Member

    Watched a movie last night on TCM, the first movie Andy Griffith appeared in (forgot the name), but damn it was good. He played a character named Lonesome Rhodes, and the political undertones were fantastic.

    I also found out that I sleep much deeper when the TV is off. I woke up so refreshed. Then I watched (for the umteenth time) the infomercial on the Magic Bullet. No better acting on TV right there, especially the sundress-wearing grandma with a butt hanging from her mouth, the 6-inch ash never seeming to fall.
  3. Oz

    Oz Well-Known Member

    I don't think I'll ever make enough to own a car with a TV in it, though that's the dream.
  4. Nothing like getting called by your boss and asked to desk on your day off because the only other guy who can do it is "sick." Of course, the douchebag didn't work yesterday and who knows if he'll work tomorrow. Oh, and I have to work six days next week because a major event is in town. But my SE is a really nice guy and I could use the extra money. Still ... FUCK!
  5. Clever username

    Clever username Active Member

    The Dropkick Murphy's make it so the stupid fucking retard of a reporter lady that sits next to me can't talk to me.
  6. Per SportsJournalists.com style, "stupid fucking retard" should read "fucktard." Thank you for your cooperation.
  7. Clever username

    Clever username Active Member

    I was going for emphasis, but I'll make the necessary adjustments in the future.
  8. jimnorden

    jimnorden Member

    why didn't anybody tell the girl who was selling sea shells down by the se shore that she may want to move her business more inland, where free sea shells aren't out in plain view?
  9. spup1122

    spup1122 Guest

    Why can't a woodchuck chuck wood?
  10. Clever username

    Clever username Active Member

    Why can't I quit you people?
  11. three_bags_full

    three_bags_full Well-Known Member


  12. spup1122

    spup1122 Guest

    Because we're amazing. :)
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