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Running Baseball VII (or second half I, if you like)

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by novelist_wannabe, Jul 13, 2007.

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  1. beefncheddar

    beefncheddar Guest

    Never happen, Oz.

    No way a kid is walking into that pressure cooker, with the rest of that rotation as bad as it is and the bullpen as worn out as it is, and saving the day. Because HE WILL need to save the day.

    I briefly considered the idea that they might catch Cleveland. Then I checked out the Indians' staff. Looks pretty slump-proof to me.

    There are WAAAAY too many things that will need to break perfectly for the Yankees to make the playoffs. And WAAAAY too many things that could go wrong for it to have any chance of happening.

    Prepare for the "we'd have made it in the NL" refrain.
  2. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    No, Hughes insn't the savior, but he does provide an improvement as a 5th starter over Igawa.

    Wang, Pettitte, Clemens and Mussina make a nice front 4. Hughes is a better than average #5 and with the return of Karstens to the bull pen, the Yanks start looking better.
    Their real problem is their starting pitching hasn't been able to dominate a game or 2 in the playoffs, but they'll carry you over the course of a season.
  3. beefncheddar

    beefncheddar Guest

    Wang? Yes
    Pettitte? 1-1 with an 8.84 in July.
    Mussina? Couple of 6-inning starts in July. Nothing to write home about.
    Clemens? Two great starts and then a clunker in July. Overall 2-4.

    They LOOK like a nice front four. They USED TO BE a nice front four. They're not leading that team to the playoffs. Not with that kind of ground to make up.
  4. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    No way. Blowouts like that are exactly when Burrell will do a lot of damage.
  5. JackyJackBN

    JackyJackBN Guest

    If the M's were the only thing between the Yanks and the wild card, stand by. The M's to date smack of a diluted 2001: serendipity without the horses. A 21-year-old ace who's up and down like a yo-yo, Ibanez, Jose Guillen and an ice-cold Sexson in the middle of the order, and a corps of very young relievers between stumbling starters and Sherrill, Rietsma (!) and Putz. This team reminds me of the auto repairs I used to have done to my '65 Volkswagon, all duct tape and large rubber bands.

    If the M's win the West or the wild card without a couple of important additions, it will be one for the books.
  6. Della9250

    Della9250 Well-Known Member

    Slump Proof??

    True, Sabathia has an ERA of 3.78, and Carmona's is 3.77 but Byrd's got a 4.50 ERA. Cliff Lee's is 5.67 and take your pick between Jeremy Sowers at 6.93 and Jake Westbrook's is now at 6.07. The team ERA,heading into today, is 4.53.

    The Yanks go like this: Wang 3.43, Pettitte 4.10, Clemens 4.20, Mussina 4.61, and for now, Igawa at 6.97. The team ERA is 4.33.
  7. The Yankees have signed Erubiel freakin Durazo.

    If that ain't desperation...
  8. Angola!

    Angola! Guest

    I don't know about desperation, surely he can hit better than Miguel Cairo. Andy Phillips has hit well recently, but he's not the answer, so why not take a risk that Durazo could provide some offensive boost at first base, though I don't know how good his defense is.
  9. Guy_Incognito

    Guy_Incognito Well-Known Member

    He could DH. Damon isn't cutting it. It's a nice, no risk move. What were you saying about Jack Cust or Glenallen Hill or Darryl. Usually these don't work, but sometimes they do. As Gola said, can't be worse than Cairo.
  10. casty33

    casty33 Active Member

    mustard, you know I hope you're right. But I think you're being too logical. I just don't trust the damn Red Sox to maintain their lead. I'm rooting for you but I'm still worried.
  11. beefncheddar

    beefncheddar Guest

    Yes. Slump-proof. Having Sabathia and Carmona should keep them out of any serious slides. And, mind you, the Yankees don't just need to avoid slumps. They need to go on streaks. And it ain't happenin'. Sorry.
  12. beefncheddar

    beefncheddar Guest


    The Phils will make the playoffs this year before the Yankees. And I, more than anyone, know THAT'S not happening.

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