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Star-Telegram update

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by tonysoprano, Mar 4, 2009.

  1. micke77

    micke77 Member

    and something tells me my friend over there is one of 'em having to exit. fraid i will get the official news from him any time now. he was very worried a week or so ago.
  2. SF_Express

    SF_Express Active Member

    I have a couple of good friend there, too, and if not here, then information on PM would be appreciated, with complete confidentiality.
  3. Armchair_QB

    Armchair_QB Well-Known Member

    I think I know the same couple as well.
  4. Magic In The Night

    Magic In The Night Active Member

    I just heard from my friend. She got laid off. She is in features. She said most of the people she has spoken with or heard about getting laid off were management. They are giving two weeks severance for every year. She didn't sound that upset because she said if McClatchy declares for bankruptcy the ones who are left could get nothing. Anyway, they told her to "take a couple days off" and then come back for the final two weeks. Geez. But I guess in order to get your severance check you have to.
  5. Any other updates? Anyone have news on who's gone in sports?
  6. micke77

    micke77 Member

    i just got an email from my friend who works the sports copy desk at FWST.
    he says they're laying off 11 total in sports. right now, seven writers will be gone. and two copy editors.
    then there will be two more management types.
    my friend also added that they're talking "tenure" situations.
    there will be a wage reduction and it goes like this: if you earn $25,000-$49,999, you get cut 2.5 percent; $50,000-99,000, 5 percent; and $100,000 and over, 10 percent.
  7. Moderator1

    Moderator1 Moderator Staff Member

    How big is/was that staff? Man, that used to be one HELL of a section. I mean, a super section.
    Fuck shit fuck.
  8. Not sure about the staff size, but a great group of writers and desk people. It's heartbreaking to see what's happening to the two DFW papers.
  9. Football_Bat

    Football_Bat Well-Known Member

    I tried looking for an online staff directory for the S-T to see who's on it and who isn't anymore, but the only one I found were for department heads.
  10. micke77

    micke77 Member

    the only writers i know of over there -- and i can get a list from my friend on the copy desk--are gil lebreton, jim reeves and t.r. sullivan. don't know who the seven writers who got trimmed.
  11. T.R. Sullivan left the FWST a long time ago, right? Still with MLB.com, I thought.
  12. I'm informed by a friend at the S-T that Sports will lose 11 people: 7 writers, 2 copy editors, 2 designers. Voluntary buyouts first, and if there aren't enough volunteers, then layoffs.
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