yea, that's right, believe T.R. has already left. couldn't remember. i need to get a list of the staffers over there from my friend. but yes, 11 to be gone. seven writers out of that number. my friend said the tenure situation being mentioned is a "bunch of bull crap", but he didn't elaborate. he's just holding on for now.
So no shoulder-tapping until they sort out the buyout situation, apparently. I imagine a lot of long-timers will be getting out while the getting is good.
just got another email from my friend at FWST...he said all sports columnists appear to be safe for now. and he added, "which is kinda surprising."
Well, after the Jim Witt e-mail to the entire newsroom, Lebreton, Reeves and Floyd-Engel were certainly as safe as safe could be.
This is all incredibly frustrating to hear. But I'm glad that the senior management will not be receiving any bonuses. There's no reason for any leaders in under-performing companies making job cuts to be getting any incentives.
Photographers? Who needs 'em. Just give the few remaining reporters digital cameras. Point. Click. Shoot. Simple.
another email from my FWST friend. he says the columnists/beat writers who appear safe are Gil LeBreton, Jim Reeves, Ray Buck, Randy Galloway, Jennifer Floyd Engel (whose husband Max is Cowboys' beat writer and I believe at the DMS?), David Thomas and Clarence Hill, Jr. has galloway always been at FWST?
Jennifer Floyd Engel's husband Mac is the Cowboys beat writer at the S-T. Galloway used to be at Dallas, saw the error of his ways, and joined the Star-Telegram about 8 years ago or so.
Galloway was at DMN a bunch of years before going to FWST something like 8-10 years ago, not sure, because long after I left there. T.R. Sullivan has been at a few years. Leb and Revo probably have at least 60 years there between them. When y'all were talking husband and wife, I had another couple there in mind. Those of you in the know probably know who I"m talking about, although I don't believe either one still actually in sports. Never made the connection about the Engels because I don't know either. Man, layoffs AND pay reductions AND furloughs later this year. That is brutal, serious stuff. It stinks. My thoughts are with ALL of you out there.