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survivor - heroes vs. villains

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by txsportsscribe, Jan 4, 2010.

  1. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    As popular as he is, he's never been the smartest player. I don't think he even made the jury his first time playing and was completely outplayed by Jonny Fairplay. In All-Stars, Boston Rob carried him to the Final Four, but he never was a real threat. The first season he was on, he was catching fish all over the place. He hasn't done much this season.
  2. WriteThinking

    WriteThinking Well-Known Member

    Mine, too.

    The tribal council played out exactly as Tom said/warned: that if James was kept on, it was strictly a numbers move, and not something done because of his physical prowess.

    Given that James has no physical prowess right now, and given that he's not exactly been acting like what you'd call a malleable, likeable or helpful team player this season, this was a really dumb vote otherwise.

    And, given how rough and physical many of the challenges have been so far, I could see the Villains pointedly attacking that knee of his, and us seeing something really bad happening in terms of injury.

    I wonder if there are any kind of rules/refereeing possibilities about that kind of thing on Survivor?

    Given the nature of the game, the million bucks on the line, and television's need/proclivity to encourage/bring out the worst in these people, I doubt it.

    Anyway, I was really surprised not only with JT in this case, but also Candace, who had come right out in one of her on-camera interviews and said how James was a lot of dead weight, but then, like JT, she voted for Tom to go.
  3. blacktitleist

    blacktitleist Member

    Rupert and James are two of the best physical players to ever play the game, but both of them are horrendous at strategizing.

    I'm not surprised the idiocy continued last night. Kind of dumfounded with JT and all his flip-flopping. Why go with Tom and vote for Cirie last week, only to shun Tom this week and give him the boot?

    I thought after last week, Tom-Colby had brought JT and Candace into the fold, but maybe Rupert is (or thinks he is) running the show for that tribe. That is scary too.
  4. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    I would have no idea who is running the show for the heroes. Colby is the best physical threat they have with James injured and he's on the outs with the rest of the tribe.
  5. Buck

    Buck Well-Known Member

    JT was very good in physical challenges on his season.
    And he's smarter than people think.
    That said, he was obviously worried about Tom and Colby being unsplittable. You've got to break them up when you have the chance.
    However, I think the better move would have been to stick with Tom and Colby, bring Candace in and knock off James, Amber and Rupert.
  6. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    Well, see, I don't know about that.

    JT needed to show Rupert, James, Amber and Candace he could be trusted, especially with the way he blindsided them a week ago.

    If he got rid of James, it'd be Rupert, Amber and Candace in one alliance, Tom, JT and Colby in another and who's to say Rupert wouldn't be so pissed he'd convince Colby and Tom to boot JT next?

    At least this way, JT moves himself up in the pecking order of the tribe. Colby is, right now, clearly the next to go and that then leaves Rupert, Amber, JT, James and Candance. JT could easily have an all-guys alliance at that point since Amber and Candance seem on the outs anyway and could then convince Rupert to get rid of James assuming the injury is still there (And/or he could tell Rupert the whole 'You want to go to Final Tribal with someone who has already won').

    Not to mention, once these guys get to the merge, I think it's going to be every man for himself. Russell clearly is on the outs in his tribe and they're known as the villains for Pete's sake. You just know a handful of people are going to be looking to break tribal lines.
  7. TigerVols

    TigerVols Well-Known Member

    Since I'm typing this from the comfort of my sofa 3 days after ACL surgery (/crossthread) I'm stunned James even WANTS to stick around. There's no way in hell he'll survive the next tribal council he attends, and I wouldn't be surprised to see him throw in the towel before then.
  8. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    JT made the smart move last night sticking with the majority. If he didn't, he almost certainly would have been the next person targeted, probably taking the focus off Tom and Colby. If he screws them over two weeks in a row, no way does he make the merger.
  9. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    I don't think James wants his three trips to Survivor end like this...

    1. Voted out while holding both immunity idols
    2. Injury
    3. Injury

    That would really suck.
  10. WriteThinking

    WriteThinking Well-Known Member

    I may have missed this (there has been one week where I completely missed the show), but how, exactly, did Colby get so on-the-outs with the rest of the tribe?

    Is it just by being in alliance with Tom?

    Because at this point, I would trust Colby more than JT if I was in that tribe.

    (Unfortunately, though, if the Heroes lose the immunity challenge again, and James somehow gets over/past his injury next week, then I think one of the girls is next in line to go, almost by default).

    But, alliances and any personal feelings aside, JT has actually shown more proclivity than Colby for being changeable and untrustworthy.

    His unpredictability gives him power in one sense, because it could make him the potential swing vote every time up. But it also reflects poorly on his reliability.
  11. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    I got the sense that they were trying to do a Stephenie-Tom-Colby-JT alliance and then the whole James vs. Stephenie thing happened. It's not completely clear to me either.
  12. Buck

    Buck Well-Known Member

    Candace would have flipped, easily. She's a hanger-on with that alliance, and Amber is dangerous. She's not on the outs with her alliance.
    If JT and Candace side with Tom and Colby, they've got a 4-3 advantage. They take out James, and they've got a 4-2 advantage.
    That would have been the way to play it.
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