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survivor - heroes vs. villains

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by txsportsscribe, Jan 4, 2010.

  1. Russell is too mean-spirited. He might be able to justify lying as strategy before a jury, especially with a bunch of people who have played it before, if it was done in a different way, but he makes it all about control and power and aint no one going to award him money if he even makes it that far. At least, not without a Jackie Chiles speech
  2. WriteThinking

    WriteThinking Well-Known Member

    Well, that was interesting.

    If Russell doesn't win immunity, I predict he will be the next to go.

    As I sat listening to that tribal council, I thought he might have even been voted off tonight if he hadn't had immunity.

    I don't know how everybody couldn't have seen through his lies and seen what he'd done with all his double-talk at that council meeting. And, assuming they did see and realize it, they all (not just Jerri) should've turned and changed their votes, right on the spot there at the tribal council.

    It probably could've/would've been the first unplanned, on-the-spot blindside ever...if the others were smart, which, I know, is sometimes a big if...

    My other observation: Jeff often stirs up the pot by picking out the key person to question, practically flushing people out for others, sometimes, if only they'd realize it. And yet, he conspicuously avoided putting Sandra on the spot, particularly given that she, not Rupert, has the hidden immunity idol.

    There was not a peep out of her, or a clip, or a poke of her tonight, and that, of course, was much to her benefit. She played it smart and took advantage by keeping her mouth shut and keeping a low profile...pretty easy for her to do tonight, given everything else that suddenly and somewhat unexpectedly went down because of Russell's paranoia. But still, I thought Jeff kind of uncharacteristically let her go way under the radar.
  3. txsportsscribe

    txsportsscribe Active Member

    i like rupert less every week
  4. Shaggy

    Shaggy Guest

    Russell had immunity. He was safe, and I think that was one of the reasons he pulled the crap he did--he knew it wouldn't immediately cost them.

    Russell is insane, and it's incredibly entertaining. With all the people he's crossed, if he even makes it to the final tribal, that's a victory in itself.

    I think we're going to have a repeat winner. Parvarti's the favorite but Sandra is a serious dark horse because she's not intimidated by Russell, she stays out of everyone's way and she's smart enough to wait...wait...wait before making a giant move.

    Parvati's chances went way down tonight though. Another great episode.
  5. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    I understand why Russell made the move he did but I think he did it WAY too early.

    No way Rupert sides with him even a second longer than he has to. Theoretically, if he and Colby had the numbers, he'd get Russell out first. That leads me to believe that even if Russell's plan to use Rupert/Colby as votes his way works, once they get to four, Rupert will turn whoever is left to get rid of Russell.

    I think if Russell had taken Pavrati and Danielle to the final three, he would have had a real chance to make the final two because I think Danielle knew she'd have a better chance with him because no one on the jury likes him and I thin Pavrati would have figured the same for the same reason.

    Entertaining though. Love that Rupert fooled them all into thinking he had the idol just by putting a rock in his pocket.

    "I know idols and I know he has it," Russell.
  6. Pilot

    Pilot Well-Known Member

    Yeah, it was nice to see Candice get hers. Nice move, moron.

    (Mostly I'm bitter because I'm rooting for Heroes)

    That was some very astute voting by Colby and Rupert.

    As much as I have been rooting for them the whole time, those two are hard to root for. Colby seems like he's damn near handicapped. James won't be happy.
  7. Russell reminds me of DeNiro's character in Good Fellas after the heist.
    He deals with his paranoia by murdering all his accomplices.
  8. ArnoldBabar

    ArnoldBabar Active Member

    You had to love Russell's sheer panic when he was talking to Parvati and realized he had run into something he'd never seen before: someone smart enough to go and confirm what he's telling them instead of just blindly following it.
  9. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    Meanwhile, Sandra has an idol and nobody has any idea.

    Last night was a great episode. I thought it was great that Russell was telling Rupert, Colby and Jerri "Danielle" at tribal council. I don't think I'd ever seen anything that blatant, but it was great. He knew he wasn't running the game anymore and he took care of that by getting rid of Danielle.

    I don't think Russell will be a target because everybody knows or thinks they can beat him in jury and they're probably right.

    If I'm Russell, I try to take Jerri and Sandra to the finals.

    Russell needs to
  10. Pilot

    Pilot Well-Known Member

    Yeah, his only hope is having the perfect other two with him. Jerri has done nothing and Sandra's style won't fly so well with these voters.

    That said, it somewhat stuns me how much Russell gets under everyone's skin. It surprised me last season when he lost, because, damn it, it's Survivor. All those voters seemed pissed and upset that they had been dicked over, but what did they expect, other than to get dicked over? 19 of the 20 players every year are positively guaranteed to get dicked over and be upset.

    But now he's playing against all-stars and even they're crying about how shitty he is. Which makes me start to wonder, maybe he really is that shitty. What he does doesn't seem that much worse than what any other good player on the show has ever done. But all the people playing sure seem to think it is.

    I don't think he has a chance in hell of winning. Last season he just burned his bridges. This season he's dynamiting the hell out of his bridges, then pissing on the ashes.
  11. Seahawk

    Seahawk Member

    Danielle's meltdown was epic. You could see Parvati realizing that her toadie was imploding, and there was nothing that could be done to stop it.
  12. printdust

    printdust New Member

    They'd be gray from the volcano dust.

    Russell is the hardest-working-at-the-game player in Survivor history. That doesn't mean he's the greatest because, well, he hasn't won with that strategy. That's why he lost though he made the finals last year and it will undoubtedly happen this year. The difference between him and the maestro (Hatch) was that Hatch could be evil and covert at the same time. He knew when to be Russell and when to turn that type of playin' off.
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