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survivor - heroes vs. villains

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by txsportsscribe, Jan 4, 2010.

  1. I disagree, he played it awful. I love russel but his ego got in the way. Also, who the hell is gonna vote for him on the Jury.
  2. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    He actually should have kept Boston Rob around an extra week to get him on the jury. If ever there was someone who might appreciate the game he's played.

    If he goes to the Final 3 against two women, he has a chance.
  3. WriteThinking

    WriteThinking Well-Known Member

    Totally agree it was stupid to get rid of Rob before he could be on the jury. Not only would he appreciate the play of the finalists, he's also smart and, I think, even-handed and honest enough, to analyze everybody's game well, and impart his knowledge and understanding and persuasion skills to others on the jury.

    If Russell goes to the jury against Parvati and Sandra, I think he has a chance, just because they've won before. Yes, I do think that keeps people from voting for somebody to win (again).

    On the other hand, though, Russell is kind of being outplayed by both of those girls right now, and, I think he's getting to be so disliked and transparent to everybody that he also may not win against them, too.
  4. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    I don't think anyone there (including Russell) will know Russell didn't win last season until the reunion show.

    That's why Richard Hatch was so brilliant in the first season, with the way he played it, he guaranteed that he had two votes in jury and then just had to pull two of the next five.

    I think Russell can beat Sandra or Jerri, but I don't think he can beat anyone else. The only thing worse in most seasons than being the big villain is being carried to the finals. Russell's only chance at jury against Parvati would be saying he saved her once and gave her the idol twice, but her giving the idols away to Jerri and Sandra completely trumps that.
  5. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    No way Russell beats Pavrati. She can lay claim to playing the game as well as, if not better, than he did and her move to save Jerri/Sandra not only changed the game completely, it came with Russell not knowing about it so, essentially, she can say she was the puppet master all along.

    He stands a solid shot against Sandra and Jerri only if the jury puts their personal feelings away and votes for who played the best game and I don't think they will.

    His only real shot is to go up against Rupert and Colby and say he brought them with him when they were both gone and, without him, they'd be toast but if either of them get to the final tribal, they're going to win simply because of the number of people who hate Russell.

    Of course, he can use his entire final speech to say that he not only reached the final tribal in Samoa, he came right back before the votes were even read and did it, again, against the best to ever play the game. If that doesn't merit him some love, what will?
  6. Lieslntx

    Lieslntx Active Member

    I don't know what it is, but I can't stand Parvati. I seriously think she is just as ruthless as Russell, she just keeps it hidden. If it comes down to those two in the final, I swear I will never watch the show again.
  7. TwoGloves

    TwoGloves Well-Known Member

    See, that's something I've always wondered about. Some of the crew members have to be holdovers from Russell's first season and I can't believe they don't talk to the contestants and maybe spill secrets. This year's cast has to wonder where the heck Russell came from and I can see some horny dumb ass telling one of the hot women some secrets hoping to maybe impress her and hook up with her after the show ends.
  8. Pilot

    Pilot Well-Known Member

    Russell's entire alliance exists because of the move he pulled to oust Tyson one week, then, by pulling in Jeri and Coach, Boston Rob the next week.

    Parvati's move was equally great, but, at least in terms of her alliance, there wasn't nearly as much on the line. If she gets voted out the day Russell gives her the idol, that's the end for both of them. If Jeri gets voted out the day Parvati hands out both idols, it would just would have been a tie in the vote. After that it certainly could have still worked out in the Villains favor without either idol. (If I remember correctly...)

    I think both moves were equally gutsy, equally adept and equally important to those two being in power.

    And it is those two in power. Not one or the other.
  9. Frankly, Tyson deserves most of the credit for his ouster. Russell planted his "Russell seed" but if Tyson uses even 1/10th of his brain, he doesn't get voted out. It was the single dumbest move in Survivor history because he gained nothing from changing his vote. Nothing.

    Russell plays a hell of a game, strategically, but it becomes clearer by the day that he doesn't play the other aspects of the game at all. Sure he might be the best strategic player in history but he doesn't get the social aspect of the game.
  10. printdust

    printdust New Member

    He's in the oil business. He doesn't give a shit about other people...lol
  11. Shaggy

    Shaggy Guest

    It seems like Russell has an intimidation factor, too. And really, only one player will tell Russell to shove it right to his face, and that's Sandra.

    I think Sandra has a real shot to win it all.
  12. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    The other reason why Danielle was of no further use to Russell was because she wouldn't take any votes away from Parvati in jury.

    I don't think Sandra would get a single vote in jury, even if she's up against Parvati and Russell.
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