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survivor - heroes vs. villains

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by txsportsscribe, Jan 4, 2010.

  1. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    Pretty certain it will be a final three - with the current jury 3 Heroes (Amanda, JT an Candice) 3 Villains (Coach, Danielle and Courtney). I don't think you can count on anyone keeping their alliance in the final vote (amanda will vote for Parvatti, Rupert and probably anyone besides Colby who threw her under the bus with the clue) JT could vote for Russell.
    But it seems pretty clear Parvati has this thing locked if she's in the final, Sandra or Jeri next.
    I give Russell credit though - he can't out physical anyone, he lacks the social graces of say the bikini chicks and he entered the game with zero friends. Nobody knew him. He's just outworked everybody. I figured for sure he'd be one of the first to go, but if I was playing, I'd want him next to me at the final. But really, figure this thing is going to come down to someone picking a number between 1 and 10 to decide their vote.
  2. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    Even if this becomes a girls vs. guys, which is what they're hinting at, they'll go after Colby first, Rupert second before they worry about Russell because he's the one they know/think they can beat in jury.

    If that happens, Rupert and Colby could vote for Russell. J.T. might vote for Russell. Coach might vote for Russell.

    I don't think he'll win, but I think he has a chance.
  3. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    If you're a dude, you've got to take Russell. All three women left have a better shot at winning the thing than any of the guys. Then it's probably Rupert, Russell, Colby.
    The last weeks are the best because it is normally where you get the vindictive votes.
    They really need to go to the rocks this year. I always hate it when someone chickens out and changes their vote.
  4. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    Russell is also smart enough to know he can't beat either of the other guys, so he's not going to get too stupid and try to vote out Parvati. I'm guessing he'll try to get rid of Sandra, not knowing she has the idol and it will come back to haunt one of the guys, probably colby or Rupert.

    Colby might be the guy who nobody can beat in jury. He's finished second twice, one to Tina in Season 2 when he should have won and to Rupert in the "Who should get $1 million just because we like them" after the all-star season.
  5. Pancamo

    Pancamo Active Member

    If people look at it logically, Colby shouldn't beat anyone this time around. He has sucked in the competitions and has zero strategy.
  6. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    If Colby wins, it's a lifetime achievement award.
  7. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    I want the best player to win. This season, that's Russell, or maybe Parvati. I hope one of those two win.
  8. TwoGloves

    TwoGloves Well-Known Member

    Colby is freaking horrible. Has any All-Star/Hero/Villain ever played a worse game the second or third time around? Geez, he was blaming his brother because he couldn't throw the water properly and then he lasted 15 freaking seconds in the challenge. How he's survived is amazing.
  9. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    See, I'm on the fence now. I used to have no respect for Sandra, whatsoever, but her strategy is brilliant.

    She sucks in challenges and every week finds a way to get to the next round. Take tonight, for instance. She basically tells Russell, point-blank, that she's waiting for her chance to get rid of him and all he can do is smile and go along with the plan because she's put herself in a position where she is, by and large, untouchable.

    Her line to Rupert during the vote just shows how great she is at this game.

    "I'll write your name down again and you'll still give me the million dollar vote."

    I don't think I've ever seen a player so weak get so far on brain power and alliances alone.

    It's like she's the anti-Colby. Sure, she's useless for the most part but, damn, what she lacks in physical skill she more than makes up for in the mental/social aspects of the game.

    Oh, and unlike Russell, she does it without pissing everyone off in the process. They all view her as a non-threat and I seriously think she's going to get to the finals.
  10. WriteThinking

    WriteThinking Well-Known Member

    Did anybody else keep looking at Russell's eyes and face tonight, and the way he was looking at, and seemingly, through people, and keep thinking that he reminded you of Charles Manson?

    For some reason, that kept happening to me, and I think Russell even looks a bit like him.
  11. blacktitleist

    blacktitleist Member

    Colby doesn't even care any more. Did you see him at Tribal? He was looking away when the cameras captured him, seemingly not even paying attention.

    His heart just isn't into it. The game has passed him by since Australia, and he can't physically dominate it like he did then.
  12. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    It would be so crazy for her to be the first two-time winner.
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