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survivor - heroes vs. villains

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by txsportsscribe, Jan 4, 2010.

  1. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    They must not see him as a threat anymore. I thought he was going to be gone shortly after Tom was.
  2. the way he has been dropping out of challenges within seconds, its like he's been begging to be eliminated for about three weeks now. He looks depressed that he can't get himself voted out
  3. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    I think he's been begging to be eliminated since James left.
  4. MTM

    MTM Well-Known Member

    Pretty impressive final 5 -- two past winners in Parvati and Sandra, two who were the best player in their first season and should have won in Colby and Russell, plus Jerri who really reigned in her attitude from the first time.

    I didn't get the whole Colby hissy fit with his brother. It was like a pitcher who couldn't find the strike zone blaming it on the catcher.

    And and I the only one who thinks it odd when the winner of a family challenge doesn't pick people with spouses to come along? Dads and uncles are great, but unless there is a real strategic reason, I'd let players enjoy time with their wife/husband.
  5. ADodgen

    ADodgen Member

    That makes no sense to me. Jerri's there with her sister, why should she pick people just because their spouse is there? I don't like the notion that just because those other two who went with her didn't have their spouse (or a spouse at all), that their relationships aren't just as valuable and worth spending time with.
  6. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    Can you really blame Jerri? I mean, Russell's an ass. Do you want to spend any more time with him then you have to? And Rupert? He'd be tongue-fucking his wife the entire time. Do you really want to see that?

    And Colby? Do I even have to talk about how he's been Johnny Downer this entire season?

    Sure, it might not have been the best strategic move to bring the girls but, then again, at least you'd have a great time. Not sure I can say the same if you brought any of the three guys.
  7. printdust

    printdust New Member

    My worst hopes will be realized...I can feel it in my marrow.
    Sandra Diaz-Whine wins this crap, or a near as painful result, Parvati "A flirt with a good body can go far in life" whatever her last name is.

    I agree about Rupert and the ms. Watching them go after it got me to the point where I was swallowing a backflush of vomit.
  8. ArnoldBabar

    ArnoldBabar Active Member

    Her last name -- for real -- is Shallow. I love that.
  9. terrier

    terrier Well-Known Member

    I would probably dump any reward challenge involving family members. Would any reward possibly be worth pissing off people who could give or deny you a million dollars?
    You might as well invite the people you're tightest with personally. The people left behind will scheme and plot anyway.
  10. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    Screw that noise. lol

    I love the family episodes. Usually, it's nice to see these reunions because the people on the island traditionally have never been away from their wives/husbands/assistant coaches for so long and it's kind of cool to see that raw emotion.

    I'm with you in all-star seasons though. For some reason, it seems less important that someone like a Colby gets to see his brother. OK, we get it, you're related. But if this relationship were so important, why'd you take off THREE times?

    Of course, maybe it's just me but this show this season doesn't seem to be about surviving the elements anymore and maybe that's why all-star seasons, to me, are cool but a step down from a good ol' fashioned 39 days of complete chaos with newbies that don't know how to make fire or catch a chicken.
  11. printdust

    printdust New Member

    Survivor has kept fresh what American Idol hasn't...though the crowds for Bowersox in her hometown Friday would argue against that point.
  12. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    It would be great if Colby aces the next two challenges and admits to sandbagging. Though I still don't know if he'll get enough votes. I doubt he'll get Amanda's and he'd need it to win. I don't think Parvati has done anything to piss off anyone. And this is her third time playing the game. It's not like people didn't see her act coming a mile away. It's like Jordan or Kobe sinking a jumper at the buzzer. Russell came out of nowhere and is playing at another level - though not quite Parvati's level. Russell has to realize the only reason people are keeping him around is because nobody (except maybe JT or Coach) - will vote for him.
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