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survivor - heroes vs. villains

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by txsportsscribe, Jan 4, 2010.

  1. blacktitleist

    blacktitleist Member

    agreed. Tom pointed it out to Colby, and then they flashed to Cirie talking about taking out Tom.
    Cirie did absolutely nothing yesterday to help her team in the immunity challenge. she flubbed the puzzle.
    The longer she hangs around, just like in past seasons, the bigger threat she becomes.

    Good to see that Tom is well aware of this. Hope the others wise up before she starts the blind siding
  2. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    Dude, he's the Dragon Slayer!

    And anyone else get a creppy vibe by watching him and Jerri? IIRC, Coach has a very loving wife/girlfriend who during his season said he's like the sweetest guy and whatnot. I hope this isn't causing problems in the Warrior household.
  3. DisembodiedOwlHead

    DisembodiedOwlHead Active Member

    Coach's family visitor in Tocantins was ... his assistant coach. I remember the woman with him at the reunion but she might have been a rental. I don't think the guy does personal relationships very well in the real world or in the game.
  4. WolvEagle

    WolvEagle Well-Known Member

    I know that Simon posted on this on the other thread, but ....

    I haven't seen much of Survivor after the first couple seasons, but I turned it on last night in time for the challenge.

    Two thoughts:

    1. Why in the hell did they make them fight? It was rugby in swimsuits. I'm surprised that a dislocated shoulder and a broken toe weren't the only injuries. I was expecting a fistfight or two.

    2. Why did they make them fight in their swimsuits, especially the women in bikinis? I'm not surprised that there were lot of blurred body parts. I am surprised that Sugar ran across the finish line topless - then basically stood there and posed while someone else tossed her top to her. I'm sure the guys there were enjoying the show.

    I was watching this alongside my 14-year-old daughter. Talk about really, really uncomfortable. If they're going to keep pulling this crap, it shouldn't be on CBS in the 8 o'clock hour. It should be on cable.
  5. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    Who in the game would you say has the biggest target on their backs?

    In all-stars they took out all of the former winners very early.

    I know he didn't win, but I'm guessing Boston Rob would have to be pretty high on that list.
  6. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    I'd say the biggest targets have to be Rob, Rupert and JT.

    Rob because he is a sneaky bastard that can easily get to the Final Four with relative ease, Rupert because he's such a favorite you just know he'll win if he sticks around and JT because he's a likable enough guy to be a big threat in the game.

    If you're talking personality-wise though, I'd say Tyson and Russell are threats because they'll just rub you the wrong way, especially once good ol' Russ goes idol shopping.
  7. Colonel Angus

    Colonel Angus Member

    Someone please tell me I wasn't the only one who could imagine hearing, weeks later, ol' JR scream out of nowhere: "OHMYGOD! THAT'S BOSTON ROB'S ENTRANCE MUSIC!!"
  8. Peytons place

    Peytons place Member

    I like Sugar but I don't think her absence will have any impact on the game. I'm interested to see how JT plays the game, because he's definitely not wanting to be the nice kid this time around. An James is just awesome, his story about his grandma and the chicken cracked me up.

    For the villians, I do like Boston Rob (maybe it's the accent), but watching Coach slobber all over him was a bit strange. And Russell, although he still maintains he's the greatest player ever, is crazy to keep the same game play this time. Lying and making alliances with everyone on the first day may have worked with a bunch of trusting newbies, but I can't imagine it will take him very far with a bunch of sneaky, backstabbing, veteran villians.
  9. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    I'm hoping a James, JT, Tom, Colby alliance dominates the show.
  10. Iron_chet

    Iron_chet Well-Known Member

    The one thing I noticed right off the get go was that Probst continued to pull out the knee pads and be the huge jock sniffer that he always is.

    In the intro conversations he talked to 4 men that he has had mancrushes on in the past before talking to Pavarti. It may have been editting but given how he has slobbered all over the manly men in the past you I am sure this behavior will continue.
  11. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    I loved it when Boston Rob said, "I'm a villain?"
  12. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    He talked to quite a few of the players, Boston Rob, Russell, Rupert, Tom and James are some of the most popular players ever.

    If you had to list the 20 most popular players in show history, very few are female.
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