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Take care of yourself

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Johnny_Dangerously, Sep 11, 2003.

  1. Cosmo

    Cosmo Well-Known Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    I'm wondering if that trainer didn't have some sort of financial stake in pushing that company's product. Sounds fishy to me.

    Protein in any form is good, as 21 will tell you. If you're trying to put on mass, extra protein is better.

    Eat well. Exercise often. Things will work out for you. Good luck in keeping the progress coming, small.
  2. Smallpotatoes

    Smallpotatoes Well-Known Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    That is exactly the case. The gym in question has some sort of business relationship with a supplement store nearby and my guess is that even though the gym advertises "free personal training" that's how the trainers make their money.
    I'm not opposed to using a meal replacement like MetRx every now and then when I don't have time to eat regular food, I just don't think supplements are 100 percent necessary.
    I'm now going through a somewhat messy process to get out of that gym membership (I have since joined another gym). I was a member at that gym for three years. The training/supplement fiasco was kind of the last straw with me at that place. I got tired of having to go on a treasure hunt for the dumbbells I needed because nobody reracked their weights and I was tired of a lot of other stuff at that place.
    Anyway, when I go to cancel, they tell me I can't, because I'm still obligated for another year and a half, that I signed a contract in January committing me for two years after they said my account was past due. the reason they said my account was past due was because my credit card had expired. Checking my card, I realized (too late) that was not the case.
    It was a contract that I never should have had to sign in the first place because the account was never really past due. In fact, they were double billing me for two months on the card they said expired AND another card.
    Anyway, I filed a complaint with the BBB last month.
  3. Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    Has anyone here had the surgery?
  4. RoadDogg

    RoadDogg Guest

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)


    I've trained more than 300 people in the past decade.

    I've suggested supplements to two people in that time. Both of those people were serious athletes (ultra marathoner and a cyclist).

    The rest of us, 99,9999% of the population don't need supplements.

    You take supplement only after your diet is complete. supplement are "in addition to." They're not "instead of."

    Your tranier was money-grubbing idiot who gives fitness professionals a bad rep. What organization was the trainer certified by, and at what gym did the trainer work?
  5. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    That said--and I agree with every word--i use Met-Rx almost every day. Very high in protein, very low in sugars. It packs a lot of calories though (for me), so I have to think of it as a replacement, not a supplement.

    The chocolate is amazing.
  6. jzenor

    jzenor Guest

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    21: I like those MetRx bars, too, especially when the only quick alternative is fast food.Better than those "low-carb"
    things that pack the store aisles and have three times as many fats and 100 more calories than the old-fashioned protein bars.

    And, Road, being that I'm a fitness nut not a fitness expert, I'm glad you keep posting on here. I'm always trying to refine my habits and routines.
  7. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    Actually, i never eat the bars...i use the powdered drink. Great stuff.
  8. Varla

    Varla Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    I used to drink this stuff called "Muscle Milk" as a meal replacement because the ex had it around the house. It was a staple in my diet, until the day I was told it was basically simulated breast milk. That put me off it for good.

    While on the topic of milk, my trainer swears by soy (milk, ice cream, tofu, nayonaise, tofurky, etc.). I like soy, and I know it's a great source of protein, but he's so anti-dairy it's ridiculous.

    He gave me a lecture for eating organic yogurt (which I love).

    Is dairy really that evil?
  9. RoadDogg

    RoadDogg Guest

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    Milk is all about preference. I'm not a big fan of it, but I don't suggest against it either. Soy is a just another form of protein. If you're lactose intolerant, soy is a great thing. (I don't drink milk or soy milk; don't like the feel of drinking something with the consistency of Vicks Formula 44)

    Dairy isn't evil. In fact, few if any foods are evil. The amount and frequency with which you eat them can be evil.

    I hate tofu. Hate its textures. Hate its bland taste (can't put enough hot sauce on it to make it taste good). My wife, however, loves the stuff.

    Dairy products are naturally higher in fat. Full fat milk and cheese are two of the highest-ranking saturated fat products in the grocery store.

    What were the reasons he said he didn't want you taking in dairy products?
  10. Wheel Gunner

    Wheel Gunner Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    Have been doing low carb eating for a couple of months now. I lost ten pounds in 2 weeks and have kept it off. I could stand to lose another ten but I think when I stop being lazy and start an exercise program I could lose this also. This has been real easy to follow since I never was much for sweets and stuff and I love eggs, meat and cheese. The program I'm on allows 72 grams of carbs per day so you can fit it a piece of fruit or bread during the day.

    There seems to be a big controversy in the medical community about this diet. While even the low fat people now say the simple carbs, sugar, white flower are bad for you because they raise insulin levels, they say that the complex carbs in whole grains, fruit and vegtables are good and fat is unhealthy. The low carb people are saying that all carbs are unhealthy and that fat is good for you!

    A good book that makes the low carb helath case and has diet information also is "Life Without Bread" by Christian Allan and Wolfgang Lutz
  11. Varla

    Varla Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    He doesn't believe that dairy is good for anyone. Too much fat and high in calories. He says that soy based products are healthier options.

    Dairy is the devil. Seriously, he believes this.

    It's strange though, because he swears by conjugated linoleic acid, which is derived from meat and dairy.
  12. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    Re: Take care of yourself (LiveSTRONG)

    Many nutritional experts will tell you that dairy isn't fit for adult consumption....it's hard to digest, and the nutritional benefits are minimal, aside from the calcium, which you can get other ways.

    Personally, i eat zero dairy, with the exception of ice cream which makes me sick, but so worth it.
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