Aw shit, that's one of my favorite movies, but I forgot he was in that. Saw Hangover tonight, and it was awesome. My stomach still hurts from laughing so much and so hard. Can't wait to see what they do in the sequel.
I went to see it again, too. The $5 matinee. That's five bucks I'll probably need in a few weeks, but what the fuck.
No one from this movie is remarkably young. Zach G. is 40. The guy who played the teacher -- I heard women raving about this dude last night, like he was a McConaughey with acting chops -- is in his mid-30s. The actor who played Doug is recognizable pretty much only from the National Treasure flicks. These guys are going to skyrocket and make a lot of money, every one of them.
Saw it last night and thought it was great. Funny, smart, well written and very well acted. I liked it better than anything with Will F and I actually rank it higher than any of the Apatow movies.
The guys who hate on Ferrell are the same guys who praise Denzel for his acting chops, even though he's played the same character his whole career. Hangover was hilarious. I almost puked at the end laughing during the photo montage. The DVD is going to be outstanding with all the extras; I thought I read somewhere that most of Zach's lines and the movie is improvised.
I like Ebert, but he really gave away a lot of the movie in that review. I'm glad I read it after seeing the film and not before.
I'm with Ebert on this. I never understood why movie critics keep parts of the plot a secret. What's the point of saying whether or not something is good if you can't describe it?
You can describe it while giving less away than that. I don't think a review should give any more away than the trailer does. I really don't like knowing too much going into a movie, and a critic who gives too much away will dissuade me from using reviews to decide whether to see something.
That's a fair point from the perspective of the reader. I'm just saying that if I were reviewing a movie, I wouldn't be worried about spoiling it. I'd want to produce the best possible review using all of the relevant information.