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The new and improved, fight-free Romney vs. Obama thread!

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by MisterCreosote, May 16, 2012.

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    YGBFKM Guest

    OK, I'm going to need someone to tell me what I should think of Alma before I decide what to say.
  2. Zeke12

    Zeke12 Guest


    Well, this is inspirational, Mr. Speaker:

    Aside from Romney’s “friends, relatives and fellow Mormons,” Boehner said, most people will be motivated to vote for him in opposition to Obama.

    The Ohio Republican made the remarks when an unidentified woman asked during a question-and-answer session: “Can you make me love Mitt Romney?”

    “No,” Boehner said. “Listen, we’re just politicians. I wasn’t elected to play God. The American people probably aren’t going to fall in love with Mitt Romney. I’ll tell you this: 95 percent of the people that show up to vote in November are going to show up in that voting booth, and they are going to vote for or against Barack Obama."
  3. waterytart

    waterytart Active Member

    So now we know you didn't have a dossier on Alma.
  4. da man

    da man Well-Known Member

  5. TigerVols

    TigerVols Well-Known Member

    So what? Really? You think the death of the Fairness Doctrine leads to just a "so what"?

    If you ask me, you can draw a direct line from the death of the Fairness Doctrine to Moddy's pleadings that we keep things civil around here. And I'm not being facetious; the entire tone and tenor of politics today -- including this disgusting display that Republicans had no problem with http://thinkprogress.org/election/2012/06/18/501145/obama-outhouse-montana/?mobile=nc -- is a direct result of St. Ronnie's decision.

    YGBFKM Guest

    So Ronald Reagan created hate-filled partisan assholes on the Internet. OK, "Kate Upton is fat" drops to No. 2 on your list.
  7. TigerVols

    TigerVols Well-Known Member

    "I'll tell you this: 95 percent of the people that show up to vote in November are going to show up in that voting booth, and they are going to vote for or against Barack Obama."
    -- GOP House Speaker John Boehner.

    Are Republicans convinced that enough voters will despise President Obama enough come election day solely to vote against him?

    That's a hard way to turn out the vote, IMO. Just ask Democrats in Wisconsin.

  8. exmediahack

    exmediahack Well-Known Member

    It can be an effective strategy in the states that Romney needs to pick off. Doesn't really matter about the states that are already decided.

    For OH, IA, CO, MO, FL, VA: Republicans are banking on a lower turnout for the Democrats. For their own base, they need a "vitrol-2004-versus-GWBush"-level turnout among Republicans.

    Still not sure *if* that will happen to give Romney the win. Although in 2004, George W. Bush was not in the midst of Iraq fatigue and the economy was solid. His base turned out. Perhaps Obama's "loose confederation" of supporters will all come out.

    Personally, I think anyone who is undecided at this point - 123 days out - should just stay the hell home. There are two clear paths. Pick one, grow a pair and let's count the votes.
  9. Stitch

    Stitch Active Member

    Karl Rove used anti-gay marriage ballot measures to get out the vote in Bush's 2004 win. There aren't many controversial ballot measures this time around that will drive Romney voters to the polls.

    Repeal ObamaCare won't work for the GOP, nor will Romney's lack of a message besides "I'm not Obama."
  10. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    You know, YF, I've grown to enjoy your presence here over the years. You're an intelligent guy and, for the most part, you're pretty respectful of what we do as journalists. So I say this respectfully: To bring up Starman's father and to bring up shit from his professional life when all he did was slap around your favorite politician was a straight up asshole move. Ronnie Reagan, as much as you may love him, is not a member of your family. Part of what makes this place great is that we can share details about our personal lives that enrich our connection to one another. You don't like Starman's politics? Fine. You're not alone. You don't like the way he argues? You're not alone. But have enough pride to not have your feeling hurt by his comments about a POLITICIAN you like so that you resort to taking shots at his life and his career. Now, I'm sure if you recruit Boom you can probably find an instance where I took a dig at Dick about law school four years ago over his love of Hillary Clinton, and if so, bravo. I was probably an asshole there, just like you were tonight.

    There are a handful of conservative posters here who get on my nerves, and one I find particularly hateful. I know some things about his real life that would be hurtful if I mentioned them in response to one of his hateful screeds, and I can't say I haven't been tempted to go scorched earth on him. And if I did, I would hope you'd call me out too.

    A guy takes a personal shot at you, by all means fire away.

    A guy takes some shots at your political hero and you're upset enough that you use stuff he's said elsewhere on SJ about himself in an attempt to wound him? Dick move.

    This concludes your irregularly scheduled sanctimonious scolding for violations of made up message board etiquette.
  11. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    I'll say I never borrowed a rusty nickel off my parents to start my expresso business, as I seem to remember others may have done.

    I was the oldest of five. My father worked at (gasp!) a newspaper, as he did for 48 years. We weren't poor, but there wasn't a lot of money to go around and my parents were gonna need a lot of it for the other four kids (who all did eventually graduate from college).

    I worked my own god damn way through college. When I was 22, in fact, I was out of college, dropped out a couple years to save money (LOL) while working 60-70 hours a week.

    When I decided to go back, guess what? All student loan programs cut off!! Well, there you go again! ::)

    P.S., one of the few pieces of direct career guidance my father gave me was: "If you go into journalism, you'll never have any money." I was fine with that.

    But he said it in the late 70s/early 80s, and at the time it was taken as a given SS/MC would provide at least a basic subsistence existence in retirement.

    Guess the joke was on him. That'll all be fixed soon enough.
  12. Stitch

    Stitch Active Member

    Glad to read you're not an intellectual. I was worried about calling you one, but, man, I'm relieved to know the truth. Have you told Care Bear?
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