Fallon in the second week? Better then Leno ever was. http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/tv/showtracker/la-et-st-jimmy-fallon-is-new-tonight-host-rewriting-ratings-for-late-night-20140227,0,4155367.story#axzz2uZMFPxk5
The numbers are really good, but the article neglects to mention he debuted in the middle of the nighttime Olympic coverage. That's a big factor. Still, NBC has to be thrilled.
Leno returns to late night...with the black Sammy Maudlin: http://www.arseniohall.com/video/show-highlights/4156_Jay_Leno_Makes_A_Surprise_Appearance_To_Announce_Arsenio_s_2nd_Season/index.html?022614
On Thursday, NBC released Nielsen data... That would have required a lot more work than a simple rewrite of an NBC press release did.
There's a Johnny Carson sex tape!?! Ewwww. http://www.uproxx.com/tv/2014/03/former-late-night-show-host-sex-tape-giant-penis
Fallon is hitting home runs with the Putin phone calls bit. The Obama one was funny. So was this one last night with Palin. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwBZObfp24c