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The Veep Thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by writing irish, May 11, 2008.

  1. writing irish

    writing irish Active Member

    Iceland will organize a malevolent geothermal cartel, EFPEC*, which will bring the world to its knees once fossil fuel is exhausted. Where can I go burn my Bjork CDs now?

    *-Earth Fart Producing and Exporting Countries
  2. Always waiting for an opening for this.
  3. alleyallen

    alleyallen Guest

    I'd much rather be attacked by Norway or Iceland, I think.
  4. Chi City 81

    Chi City 81 Guest

    I just got convinced: Chuck Hagel.

    Ted Strickland as a runner-up.
  5. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    I don't see McCain picking Huckabee...

    Romney I could see. It would please the Republican base who don't think McCain is conservative enough. It would also put Romney in a good position to run in 2012 if McCain only stays one term. It would also explain why Romney bowed out so gracefully so early on.

    I agree that on the democrat side that it won't be Richardson. If Hillary wants it, I'm guessing she could muscle her way in, but I don't think she wants it.

    Biden would be a great choice, but unfortunately, that will never happen.
  6. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    I don't see how picking a Republican helps Obama and that assumes Hagel would say yes in the first place.
    My rank would be: Strickland, Wesley Clark and then Hillary.
  7. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    The way the Obama campaign has been astute in going after delegates, I wouldn't be surprised if the VP choice doesn't come from a "key" state, or "balance" the ticket in a conventional sense, but turns out to be someone nobody has talked about and eventually a brilliant choice. You might get a Veep from one state who plays better in a different state than anyone from that state.
  8. RedSmithClone

    RedSmithClone Active Member

    What about Bea Arthur???

    As far a the GOP VP - I still want Lieberman, but I'll settle for Sarah Palin!
  9. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    Here's Obama's best choice (at least from the names I have heard floated out there...)

  10. RedSmithClone

    RedSmithClone Active Member

    Obama should pick Rendell
  11. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    They would look like Laurel and Hardy together
  12. RedSmithClone

    RedSmithClone Active Member

    I guess that wouldn't work then. I actually liked Laurel and Hardy.
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