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Trump cheats at golf - the ONE and ONLY politics thread

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by SnarkShark, Jan 22, 2016.

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  1. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    And, "I will tell you."
  2. BDC99

    BDC99 Well-Known Member

    One of these days he's going to break down Starman.
  3. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    The game has changed. There's a shot clock now.
  4. Mr. Sunshine

    Mr. Sunshine Well-Known Member

    Most presidents are humble folk who welcome criticism.
  5. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

  6. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    He likes dictators. He grew up rooting for Steinbrenner's team.
  7. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    The one thing that bugs me about the anti-Trumpers, is that the people dismissing them as mouth-breathing morons (whether they actually are mouth-breathing morons is besides the point here) are missing the underlying factor behind all of it.
    People. Are. Pissed.
    Whatever the reasons, whatever you think of the reasons, that's at the root of his popularity. They've seen their concerns ignored by the people they elected to represent them (Republicans) or outright dismissed and lampooned by those opposed (Democrats). They see not just their political power slipping away, but economic opportunity, and the social fabric of the country changing around them as well. Nobody of consequence on either side of the political debate gives a damn because they're trying to play to other groups for different reasons.
    They've been told they're irrelevant, and will never be relevant again, so they need to STFU.
    It's insulting as hell.
    So along comes Trump, and he gives a voice to their increasing voicelessness.
    Meanwhile, his opponents continue to ignore the root causes of all this. Republicans continue to ignore his supporters' concerns and Democrats continue to dismiss and lampoon them. It becomes fuel for the fire and perpetuates the cycle.
    It's a monster both Republicans and Democrats have helped create, and that both continue to feed. The more they resist it, the more they fight, the more they dismiss, the more Trump's supporters dig in and fight back.
    JimmyHoward33 and Mr. Sunshine like this.
  8. Mr. Sunshine

    Mr. Sunshine Well-Known Member

    Good post, Bat.

    The people who hate Trump the most are the ones who make up the D.C. establishment. Both sides loathe him. That should tell you something. As Bat alluded to, Trump's support is not so much about him as it is about someone who has the means and the balls to give the establishment the middle finger. They are excited that someone, anyone, is speaking for them, because the Washington power brokers quit advocating for them a long time ago.
    Batman likes this.
  9. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    Pretty funny. But the higher tuition of college is no joke. States have cut funding leading to a doubling of cost in just 15 years, while wages have stagnated. Students take out loans with jacked interest rates. Meanwhile a generation of baby boomers hoping to sell their home for the 30 years to finance their retirement is surprised they're having a hard time getting the price they want, not realizing students burdened with loan debt can't qualify for as high a loan as they would otherwise. "Free college" isn't going to happen, but lower interest student loans would be a start.
  10. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    Yeah, well a lot of other people are pissed too.

    In 2008 and 2012, Obama got 135 million votes.

    Contrary to the shrieking of the right wing screech machine, Obama is not a universally reviled character with utterly no public support.

    Presumably the large majority of those 135 million votes were cast with the intention BHO was going to do at least some of the stuff he talked about.

    Since Jan 22, 2009, when the teabag conspiracy was hatched in Washington in response to the inauguration of the mooslim neegro, the teabag party has not only refused to support any of BHO's plans (which should of course have come as no suprise to anybody), but actively worked to make sure every single one of these initiatives would fail, and citizen suffering would be maximized, in order that Obama could be blamed for it.

    Obama took office in the midst of the worst economic disaster since the 1930s. Thousands of jobs were being lost every week, families were losing houses, etc etc etc. The teabag party had no plan to fix any of this; their strategies had produced the disaster.

    I don't know and you don't know and Obama doesn't know whether his economic plans would have produced a booming recovery if they had been rolled through Congress and quickly made law. Nobody knows and nobody ever will know, because the teabag party did its absolute level best to fuck up whatever recovery did occur, because their utmost priority was to be sure no credit for anything whatsoever could be given to the mooslim neegro.

    So to hear the teabag party or Trump or anybody else piss and moan that Obama's plans haven't worked, that pisses a lot of people off too.

    Anybody who puts one half hydrogen atom of trust into anything Trump says is, I am fucking sorry, too goddamn stupid to continue to breathe my oxygen.

    Trump has made no bones whatsoever his entire career has been devoted from day one to bullshitting and bulldozing any hapless counterparts in any negotiations for the benefit of himself and himself only. He utterly glories in it.

    Working class voters (especially working class whites) believe they have been getting fucked over. Guess what, you're right! You've been getting fucked over for 35 years. And guess who's been doing the fucking?

    Arrogant, obnoxious, egotistical, manipulative, crooked, power-hungry, overbearing and greedy silver-spoon pampered princess BILLIONAIRES. That sound like anybody familiar?

    I'm not completely wild about the economic plans being pushed forward by Sanders or Clinton, nor have I been totally wild about the ideas of Obama. I fully expect their plans will fall short of expectations and some people will continue to bear hardship. But even by accident there is a chance they might improve the economic health of the nation.

    But if Trump's plans (whatever the fuck they are) WORK ABSOLUTELY PERFECTLY, not one fucking person besides himself will benefit a dime. Not one god damn dime. Trump's plans are designed to make HIM billions and fuck everybody else in the ass. He will make billions of dollars by fucking everybody else out of them. Anything he says different is a lie. It is a feature not a bug.

    And anybody who doesn't understand that is a fucking dumb animal. Grow a brain, morans.
    Inky_Wretch and Riptide like this.
  11. I Should Coco

    I Should Coco Well-Known Member

    You're right on the money with this statement, Batman ... even if I disagree that Trump is the guy to champion it.

    I posted on the movie thread (don't laugh ... hang with me here) that nearly every movie preview contains a depressing, zombie-filled, post-apocalypse future. Most of the fiction books I've read in the past few years have similar dread about the future — even the relatively wholesome, three-part 100 years series by Jane Smiley turns negative in a hurry once we get past 2015.

    And as a country, nearly everyone who's politically active has spent eight of the past 16 years proclaiming, "he's not my president," depending on your viewpoint. First "we" hated GW for eight years, now "they" have hated Obama since 2009.

    The pessimism is so thick you can cut it with a knife. So in that respect, we have the perfect field of candidates for 2016.

    Where the hell is Nero with his fiddle?:)
    Mr. Sunshine and Batman like this.
  12. Stoney

    Stoney Well-Known Member

    Pissed. At. What? God forbid the "Trump Nation" mass imbecility unit dare give any real in depth thought to that question.

    Pissed about the economy? Well, that was in immensely worse shape when the last Republican prez left than it is now. Pissed about national debt? Well, you know, we once had a president that actually diligently made sure to balance the books and ensure an annual budget surplus by the name of Clinton, but you guys hated him and replaced him with an insanely fiscally irresponsible guy named Bush. Pissed about ISIS? Well, gee, why don't you take a bit closer look at what misguided foreign policies (and illegal wars) created the Petri dish that enabled ISIS to form. Pissed about jobs leaving America? Well, good golly, perhaps you should examine whose votes on free trade globalization issues have helped that happen. Pissed about immigration/Mexico? Well, have you paid any attention to current migratory trends. Hell, the only "wall" we may soon need is one to keep our departing cheap labor in....

    Funny thing is the typical Trump supporter is a guy who previously supported the candidates who helped create all the same conditions he's now s0 "pissed" about. Yet now he thinks the answer is to vote for the orange-haired angry-talking reality-show buffoon who is incapable of discussing any policy issue beyond a cursory high school level of complexity.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2016
    bigpern23 and DanielSimpsonDay like this.
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