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Updated thread - What TV commercial gets on your nerves?

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Yawn, Dec 1, 2006.

  1. bagelchick

    bagelchick Active Member

    Comcast has a new commercial out that is irritating as hell. It's all animated and the song is similar to that stupid song that was in "Juno". To make matters worse, I think it's a :60.

    They've dropped a ton of money on a media buy with it. Can't tell if it's local or national, but it seems it's on constantly.
  2. KevinmH9

    KevinmH9 Active Member

    Those Geico commercials with the stupid roll of money with the eyes and crap. I swear if I see another one of those damn commercials, I'm putting a brick through the T.V.
  3. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    That commercial is disturbing on a lot of levels. Mainly, the calm reaction by the guy eating the fish sandwich compared to the rightfully freaked reaction of the guy walking into the garage. The guy eating the fish sandwich looks like he's totally in tune with the singing fish, and is about to plant an axe in his buddy's skull.
  4. DanOregon

    DanOregon Well-Known Member

    The Comcast ads are even more annoying when you figure the recent rate increase is helping pay for them, it's not like Comcast doesn't have enough free "inserts" it gets to plop ads into on the cable tiers, though I'm guessing they're unsold local spots and the fact that there are more unsold spots make the Comcast spots doubly ubiquitous, and finally, it's really annoying being pummlled by advertising for a product that you already have, and makes you realize that the only way to avoid them is to disconnect said product and go to Dish or Direct TV.

    But the ad I hate right now is the "All right button it, Callahan, Callahan - anyone got a 20 on Callahan?" - I guess it's for a cell phone that also has a walkie talkie, but I've yet to figure out the connection with delivery people.
  5. Wenders

    Wenders Well-Known Member

    Those commercials are sort-of creepy. Especially one with the old Asian man. "That's the money you could be saving with Geico. YEAH! GEICO!" I'd run away.
  6. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    There's a series of ads for the state humane society here (HejiraHenry might have seen it) that just absolutely pisses me off.
    The first has a veteranarian calming down a dog, saying "Good boy Cody. Good boy. You're such a good dog."
    And then she euthanizes it and talks about how bad it makes her feel. Well, I'm sure old Cody really appreciates the fact that you feel terrible while you're shoving the death needle in his thigh, sweetheart.
    The second is a new one I saw for the first time last night. It shows a dog tunneling under a fence to play and, I assume, screw, another dog, and talks about how cute it is that nature is at work.
    And then the announcer starts his spiel about how thousands of animals are euthanized in this state each year because they can't find a good home for them.
    These ads just play on people's heart strings in all the wrong ways. I hate them.
  7. DirtyDeeds

    DirtyDeeds Guest

    And the ones with the guy lost in the middle of the Great Plains and the roofers are just as dumb. These GEICO commercials make ZERO sense to me. Not sure if they're supposed to be funny, but they're not. At all. I just don't understand why someone would come up with that crap as an ad campaign.
  8. doctorx

    doctorx Member

    The only Yaz commercials I've ever seen are these ponderous disclaimers (albeit with an attractive spokesbabe) about commercials I have never seen.
  9. Wenders

    Wenders Well-Known Member

    They're scraping the bottom of the barrel. Just like Hollywood.
  10. Birdscribe

    Birdscribe Active Member

    This one must be the sick cousin of the Sarah McLachlin ad with her mournful music and the rolling montage of all the animals in the shelter cages.

    This has every member of my family reaching for the remote. We refuse to watch this.

    I actually like this one. It's clever.

  11. Mystery_Meat

    Mystery_Meat Guest

    You would think I would dig that fucked-up Hillshire Farms commercial on the plane, if only for the tagline of GO MEAT! Instead, I'm seriously considering nuking and returning under a new name to disassociate from such a fail-ass ad campaign
  12. ArnoldBabar

    ArnoldBabar Active Member

    Holy shit, just saw a new Quiznos ad with the talking toaster oven, which includes the oven saying (in a male voice, for what it's worth) "Put it in me, Scott."

    There's no way that was simply overlooked. It was intentional. But to what purpose?
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