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Waaahhh!!! Everyone's so mean to Hillary

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by hondo, May 15, 2008.

  1. hondo

    hondo Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty sure Obama faced more racism from within the Clinton family than the sexism Hillary faced overall.
  2. zagoshe

    zagoshe Well-Known Member

    And, Hondo, what cracks me up even more is all of these people crying a river for Hillary and how allegedly sexist people have been towards her -- are some of her husband's biggest apologists and he is one of the biggest skirt-chasing sexual harrassers on the planet -- I mean, he is the prototypical woman-hater who can't keep his wee wee in his pants, the kind of guy who has no respect for women, well especially the ones who happen to be his interns ---- yet, somehow, he gets a pass from the fire-breathing, men-hating nutjobs from the N.O.W.......

  3. I don't believe that, either, although that's just a guess, since there's no way to calculated it.
    But this was a story about what ought to be the decency limits in any campaign in which a woman was involved. It got posted as a story about someone "crying" because HRC lost. It was a dishonest way to describe the piece, a dishonest way to discuss it, and the dishonesty was exacerbated by the inability of the person posting it to own his own mendacity.
    Which is part of how threads turn into pissing matches.
  4. terrier

    terrier Well-Known Member

    A big part of the problem is Hillary surrounded herself with and leaned for advice on some of the biggest political whores on earth, like Terry McAuliffe and Paul Begala. The only difference between them, Carville, and Karl Rove is the letter next to their names on their overpriced consulting letterheads.
    American got sick and tired of the Rovization of politics. And it's had it up to here with McAuliffeology, too.
  5. Begala didn't work for her, I don't believe.
  6. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

    Begala absolutely did not work on her campaign, this year.

    He was rooting for her, but didn't labor -- never mind drawing a check.
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