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We have to go back! (Lost 2009 season)

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by JakeandElwood, Jan 20, 2009.

  1. Angola!

    Angola! Guest

    It's masterful storytelling, really.

    The writers had us all duped into thinking Locke had become this great leader, just like he had always wanted to be: needed, sought after for advice, etc.

    Really, he was just dead.
  2. Madhavok

    Madhavok Well-Known Member

    Has it been confirmed that 'Jacob's' cabin is the same as Rose/Bernard's? Or are we just going on speculation. I'm looking at two pictures on Lostpedia and even tho there's a 30-year difference, there doesn't seem to be as much close trees and such in the 2007 cabin compared to the 1977 cabin..

    Maybe it's just me.
  3. JakeandElwood

    JakeandElwood Well-Known Member

    I didn't think it was the same but I could have been missing something.
  4. Madhavok

    Madhavok Well-Known Member

    I didn't think it was either. I think on a board have said it was, but I don't think it was. Wasn't Horace building a cabin ?
  5. I don't think it's the same cabin. We have been led to believe Horace made Jacob's cabin. Remember when he was in the timeloop with the nosebleed, knocking over the same tree repeatedly while talking to Locke?
  6. I don't think Smokey is tethered to Jacob or "Esau."

    I think Smokey is a free agent.
  7. I Digress

    I Digress Guest

    Actually, remember the black smoke that came out when Ben was under the temple. He saw Alex .. that was his greatest remorse.. and didn't she tell him to listen to Locke? If so, then it makes perfect sense the smokey and 'esau' (fake locke) are the same thing.
  8. Yes, and Locke disappeared just before Smokey showed up and reappeared just after Smokey left. They are at least working together, if not the same entity.
  9. NDub

    NDub Guest

    Locke not only stayed outside, but he also went into the woods for a bit, I believe. "Locke" and "Christian" were never close. Does it go back to that DI Orchid film with Chang screaming about not letting Regular Bunny and Time-Skipping Same Bunny get too close to each other?

    I think that video is very significant. Something about getting too close is bad. Like Dead Locke and "Locke" seemed to be in the finale. And all of the other stuff about "Locke" disappearing before the Ben-Smokie incident then reappearing after it.
  10. 93Devil

    93Devil Well-Known Member

    Can anyome imagine the joy the creators of this show must be feeling right now?

    Imagine giving this really cool Christmas present and have people guess what it is for over six years. You just sit there with a grin as they try to unravel all the clues you have given them, all the while you know they are loving the puzzle.

    What a show.
  11. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    Which leads to the question of why Horace has a nosebleed -- is he time skipping as well? I assume that we're not done with him.

    One other random thought which just popped into my mind -- Rose and Bernard are the DeGroots.
  12. 93Devil

    93Devil Well-Known Member


    Imagine if Jacob had his time skipping group and Esau had his time skipping group?
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