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World Cup nicknames

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by mpcincal, Jun 15, 2006.

  1. mpcincal

    mpcincal Well-Known Member

    In following the World Cup games, I've noticed while the teams are mainly identified by country, some of them have picked up unofficial nicknames. Italy is the "Azzurri," (or "Blue"), Mexico is the "Tricolores," Costa Rica is the "Ticos," and when Cameroon was in the Cup a few years ago, they called themselves the "Indomitable Lions," my personal favorite.

    For all the soccer diehards on this board (I know there are a few of you), are there any other teams with nicknames I haven't heard?
  2. KP

    KP Active Member

    Ghana - Black Stars (NCAA finds it offensive)
    Ivory Coast - Elephants
  3. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    T&T - Soca Warriors
    England - Three Lions
    France - Les Blues
  4. Jack_Kerouac

    Jack_Kerouac Member

    USA -- El Disappointamentos
  5. Flash

    Flash Guest

    Are they anything like Mentos, the fresh maker?
  6. Seabasket

    Seabasket Active Member

    No, unlike mentos they are not fresh and full of life.
  7. ServeItUp

    ServeItUp Active Member

    Nigeria = Super Eagles. I was on a plane to KC and some Kansas politico, who was born in Nigeria, was sitting next to me and was impressed that I knew that.

    Jamaica = Reggae Boyz. Yeah, they're not in the Cup but you gotta give it up for Marley Nation.
  8. OnTheRiver

    OnTheRiver Active Member

    Poland = The Screen-Doored Submariners.
  9. KP

    KP Active Member

    Germany - The Mannschaft
    Netherlands - The Oranje
    Togo - The Sparrow Hawks
    Switzerland - The Oath Comrades (whatever that means)
    Brazil - The Selecao
    Australia - Socceroos
  10. PeteyPirate

    PeteyPirate Guest

    Mannschaft? That is tremendous. Brings to mind Mike Myers in a black turtleneck.

    When Brazilians refer to the "selecao," they are saying the Portuguese word that denotes the national team, like seleccion in Spanish, so I'm not sure I would call it a nickname.

    Who are the Caricolas? I could have sworn that was also a nickname for the Italian team, but I can't be sure.
  11. Captain_Kirk

    Captain_Kirk Well-Known Member

    I thought it was the Whining Puscatores
  12. sportsed

    sportsed Guest

    Every article I've read on Brazil has called them the Samba Kings; don't know if it's an unofficial official nickname or if the AP is trying to make something catch on.
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