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Would anyone happen to have ...

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by MightyMouse, Apr 20, 2011.

  1. MightyMouse

    MightyMouse Member

    This isn't a dire emergency, but if anyone has (or knows where I can find) a mug of Nancy Armour to run with her column, it would be helpful.
    Again, this isn't an absolute necessity, but if anybody has one lying around, I'd appreciate your sharing it with me.
  2. secretariat

    secretariat Active Member


    EDIT: My bad. I forgot to convert to RGB the first time.
  3. MightyMouse

    MightyMouse Member

    Awesome. Much appreciated.
  4. HanSenSE

    HanSenSE Well-Known Member

    Grabbing for myself, just in case. AP had staff mugs online with YourAP, but the disappeared with the switch to Exchange, which means dealing with New York if you want anything [/bitchydeskguy]
  5. MightyMouse

    MightyMouse Member

    I emailed them last night asking if they could include them somewhere on Exchange. We'll see.
  6. SF_Express

    SF_Express Active Member

    This is really a dumb little thing that's great that one person here could help out another ...
  7. Versatile

    Versatile Active Member

    I'd love to have an wire errors thread that we could post things we notice in. Just noticed a cutline today on one of our services had "Andre Either" as the Dodgers' right fielder.
  8. MightyMouse

    MightyMouse Member

    OK, so tonight's request is Paul Newberry. If anyone has his mug, I'd appreciated it.

    I'm starting to assemble quite the little collection.
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