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Yates not guilty

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by DyePack, Jul 26, 2006.

  1. suburbanite

    suburbanite Active Member

    Sorry I didn't measure up to your standards. I'll try to do better next time. ::) Actually, there won't be a next time, because this is why I usually don't bother getting involved in political threads such as this one.

    And don't tell me it's not a political thread, because it is. Excuse me for not feeling comfortable with the 'reformed' Andrea Yates the way you folks are.
  2. WHA73

    WHA73 Guest

    Actually Lynn Paddock, who recieved her inspiration from an on-line CF crackpot is serving a life sentance for torturing and beatin g her 4 year old sone with PVC pipe (as instructed by the internet manual she ordered) is serving life. Her defense used the "jesus" card as you call it, rather unsuccessfully. For a guy that rails against racism on the frequent muslim threads, you sure are quick to judge "ALL" Christians. It's only a few right?
  3. Ooooh, the pain.
    WHA fails to understand irony.
    Others do.
    Alas, poor dicksnort.
    And suburb -- come back. You made your points. Some folks don't agree. I just pointed out that the judicial notion under which Yates is in a hospital now has nothing to do with tthe cartoon liberal-conservative split.
  4. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

    She killed five children. Her OWN children. No shit she's crazy. No shit she's got mental issues.

    Doesn't mean she should escape the harshest punishment possible.
  5. WHA73

    WHA73 Guest

    Why are Christians allowed to kill their children in this country and avoid punishment?--your words not mine. Let's review now..You hate, Christian conservatives..we get it. Did you cull that hatred on the Mean streets of the PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CAMBRIDGE?
  6. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    You could stone her.

    Or have her hanged from a crane in the market square.

    God help us all.

    Not a lick of intelligence here.
  7. beefncheddar

    beefncheddar Guest

    Then take a shot at convincing all of us mouthbreathers we're wrong or give up.
    Because continuing to do nothing other than insult everyone for not being as highbrow as yourself probably isn't helping your case.
  8. WHA73

    WHA73 Guest

    Mus..just repeat to yourself...They are better than me, they are better than me!!!
  9. Mystery_Meat

    Mystery_Meat Guest

    If Andrea Yates is released into the general public come this time next year, do you think justice will have been served in the deaths of her five children?
  10. Ashy Larry

    Ashy Larry Active Member

    Isn't this verdict a slippery slope?  How long before no one is accountable for their actions because a doctor claims to know what a person's mind set was at the time they commited a crime?  

    I once read about a guy that was so upset with modern industry, that he moved to an isolated cabin in the woods, wrote a manifesto, and then mailed bombs to innocent people throughout the country to kill them.  He wasn't "insane"?  

    "A world where everything becomes tolerable and excusable is the real definition of insanity."
    Michael Hurd
  11. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    Yikes, now we have the "highbrow" argument. Is this a corollary to the "liberal" argument?

    It's highbrow to be against state sanctioned murder?

    As I  and others have said, "not guilty by reason of insanity" as a defense goes back to the mid 1800's. It's a fundamental tenet of our judicial system. It wasn't created 20 years ago.

    Go read a book about English Common Law. Then get back to me.
  12. WHA73

    WHA73 Guest

    Get back to me when her five innocent kids come back from the grave
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