Recent content by biggy0125

  1. B

    Covering Water Polo

    Thanks for the critique. The numbers thing is a Daily Herald decision and I'm not really privileged as to why, but from what I've seen in the four months I've been stringing for the DH, it appears that the idea is to use the numerical in reference to any statistic or score.
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    Covering Water Polo

    They were a tough interview.
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    Covering Water Polo

    Ya, it was definitely an easy follow and I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. I knew enough of the basics going in to ask a couple moderately pointed questions, but I think my big obstacle now is developing a deeper understanding of some of the technical aspects of the game. I've always felt like...
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    Covering Water Polo

    Drew my first water polo assignment this afternoon and I was curious to know how those of you with experience have handled prep water polo coverage. Game is tonight at 6 PM CDT, so I expect to wing it a bit out there and load my gamer with quotes, but I hope to draw at least a few more water...
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    ChicagoSide partners with the Sun-Times

    Ya, I'm not sure how you can get all bent out of shape over that. Because Mariotti seemed SOOO trustworthy, right? That's laughable.
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    ChicagoSide partners with the Sun-Times announced a new content-sharing partnership with the Chicago Sun-Times today. I know the only real buzz ChicagoSide has gotten on here has been over letting Mariotti write again, but beyond that, it's been an extremely intriguing venture that Jon Eig and Sol Lieberman have...
  7. B

    Feature on NIU QB Jordan Lynch

    Thanks, I appreciate the feedback. I had originally expounded upon describing Lynch's talents but it came later in the piece and it got a little wordy/disjointed so it got cut (justifiably). And you're definitely right about the hyperbole, most college football fans actually love MACtion. I...
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    Feature on NIU QB Jordan Lynch

    Would still appreciate any and all feedback.
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    Feature on NIU QB Jordan Lynch

    Back to take my lumps again for this feature on NIU QB Jordan Lynch, an unlikely Heisman candidate. Spent a lot of time on this one, so any and all feedback is welcome. Also, I actually get editorial input from this publication, so I have someone to blame now when you all say this is shirt. :D...
  10. B

    Tribune suspends use of Journatic

    Seriously though, pish on an electric fence and call me shocked.
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    Tribune suspends use of Journatic

    You mean to tell me the guy making $6 to write the post in question wasn't taking the time to make sure that he was living up to the "lofty" journalism standards of the Tribune company? Get out!
  12. B

    Feedback on a magazine feature

    I was hoping to get some feedback on a feature I did for a small local magazine that the publishers of the daily I write for produce. It's on a local Jet Skit racer named Jim Cebulski. As always, I hope this is better than the last piece I posted on here, but at the same time I am always looking...
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    Writing for mags like The New Yorker, GQ, Esquire, etc.

    God bless this thread. Can't explain to you all how much this has helped me as I begin transitioning into more magazine work. Wish I would have been around when JMac and Jones were posting regularly, because that's some of the most practical advice I've ever received. Certainly more useful then...
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    Looking to place an Indianapolis 500 story

    I'm going to be at the Indy 500 at the end of the month and I was hoping to find placement on a story I plan on doing. I've been in contact with some auto racing magazines who are interested, but I'd really like to write it from a more humorous angle and I don't know any of the publications I've...
  15. B

    How do you use Twitter?

    I use my phone occasionally for my personal account when I'm out and about, and I use it when I am on the sports account for the daily I work for, but I'd say 95% of the time I just use from my computer.