Recent content by Bruhman

  1. Bruhman

    New York Daily News

    I grew up in New York and religiously read the News and the Post ... backwards of course. I'm numb and I'm figuratively weeping for my hometown, the fine journos who lost their job and our once great industry.
  2. Bruhman

    Sports Reporter, The Washington Times

    Submitted without comment ... other than the newspaper might enjoy profitability for the next four years.
  3. Bruhman

    More cuts at USA Today?

    First job out of Howard University was at USAT. Haven't worked there since 2000 but see some familiar names like Lisa and Deb and Scott and this sucks. It's hard to love journalism when it doesn't love you back. Best wishes to all, casualties and survivors.
  4. Bruhman

    '5 Reasons You Should Have Sex With Your Husband Every Night'

    24 years, two kids, 2-3 times per week (not counting the week Aunt Flo visits). My stated goal is never more than two days - or three at the most - without getting some. Don't always hit the mark but it's something to shoot for ...
  5. Bruhman

    Gannett joins in -- splitting print off from TV/digital

    Maybe Gannett can stay in the "regional design, toning and ad center" business and contract those services to local owners? I'm just spitballing here...
  6. Bruhman

    Congrats, Moddy

    Congrats and best wishes Mike!
  7. Bruhman

    Breaking Bad Season 5 Thread

    Doh! Yes, AMC.
  8. Bruhman

    Breaking Bad Season 5 Thread

    Over the past four weeks, starting with the pilot, I watched every episode of Breaking Bad. I had heard it was excellent but never watched it. I was hooked from the start and enjoyed devouring multiple episodes per day ever since. I wanted to be caught up before Season 5, Part II began but I...
  9. Bruhman

    Gannett layoffs

    True, but there's never been a distraction as powerful and pervasive as the Internet/mobile, where - by the way - the younger generation can read newspapers and follow the news if it ever chooses to do so. I still have a hard time believing that generation will ever develop a love affair with...
  10. Bruhman

    When to call it quits?

    No one can answer the thread's question for someone else, though the overwhelming majority of journos seemingly would say "yesterday!" Just realize that no matter how hard it is for you to imagine, there is life outside of newspapers and there are other things you can do. I got my first taste...
  11. Bruhman

    Layoffs Coming to the Washington Times

    Good people were laid off by TWT. Good people are being laid off by TWE, which looks like it's beating TWT to the punch by ditching everything but politics. My thoughts and prayers go out to all, those of us tossed overboard and those still riding the waves...
  12. Bruhman

    Layoffs Coming to the Washington Times

    The paper dropped everything except national news/politics and commentary. It "relaunched" as a full service newspaper in March 2011 when it brought back the sports, metro and lifestyles sections.
  13. Bruhman

    Steve Wieberg

    who's the other?
  14. Bruhman

    Big, big changes at USA TODAY

    I believe severance pay is standard for Gannett in these situations, even without a union. But I think its less than most other companies offer.
  15. Bruhman

    Big, big changes at USA TODAY

    I'm reminded of the scene from Goodfellas after Joe Pesci's character was whacked. Ray Liotta and Robert DeNiro's characters are shown grieving - as much as goodfellas can - and Liotta comments how they just have to take it and there was nothing they could do. I saw a report that 15 were left...