Looking for a stringer to cover Northern Illinois' bowl game on Dec. 23 in Boise, Idaho. Looking for a pair of stories, an instant gamer and follow-up/feature. Contact Eddie Carifio, ecarifio@shawmedia.com, if you are interested.
The Daily Chronicle in DeKalb, Illinois is looking for someone to cover Northern Illinois at North Carolina State, time still to be determined. Looking for a pair of stories on the game. If interested, contact Eddie Carifio at ecarifio@shawmedia.com for details.
The Daily Chronicle in DeKalb, Illinois is looking for someone to cover Northern Illinois vs. Arkansas State at noon on December 23. Looking for a pair of stories on the game. If interested, contact Eddie Carifio at ecarifio@shawmedia.com.
The Daily Chronicle in DeKalb is looking for a stringer to produce two stories on the NIU-Tulsa game Saturday, Sept. 24 (time TBD). If interested, contact sports editor Eddie Carifio at ecarifio@shawmedia.com.
Note: We'll probably be looking for stringers for all NIU road games this year, so if...
The Daily Chronicle in DeKalb is looking for a stringer to produce two stories on the NIU-Tulsa game, at 6 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 10. If interested, contact sports editor Eddie Carifio at ecarifio@shawmedia.com.
Note: We'll probably be looking for stringers for all NIU road games this year, so if...
The Daily Chronicle in DeKalb is looking for a freelancer to handle our NIU coverage from MAC Media Day at the House of Blues in Cleveland. It runs from 930-1230 on Tuesday, July 26. We'd be looking for two stories, one NIU-centered and one more league-centered.
If you're available and...
The game is Friday, Dec. 17 in Orlando. Kickoff is 6 p.m. Eastern. We would be looking for two NIU-centered stories in its game against Coastal Carolina.
If interested, contact DeKalb Daily Chronicle sports editor Eddie Carifio at ecarifio@shawmedia.com for details.
The game is in Buffalo on Nov. 17 at 7 Eastern. Looking for a pair of stories for daily-chronicle.com, plus the following print edition.
If interested, contact DeKalb Daily Chronicle sports editor Eddie Carifio at ecarifio@shawmedia.com for details.
The game is in Toledo on October 9 at noon Eastern. Looking for a pair of stories for daily-chronicle.com, plus the following print edition.
If interested, contact DeKalb Daily Chronicle sports editor Eddie Carifio at ecarifio@shawmedia.com for details.
The game is in Atlanta on September 4. It's the opener for the Huskies. Probably looking for a pair of stories for daily-chronicle.com, plus the following print edition.
If interested, contact DeKalb Daily Chronicle sports editor Eddie Carifio at ecarifio@shawmedia.com for details.
The Daily Chronicle in DeKalb, Illinois, is looking for a stringer to write a feature about Ben Niemann, linebacker for the Chiefs. He is a graduate of a local high school in our coverage area. If interested, contact sports editor Eddie Carifio at ecarifio@shawmedia.com
The Daily Chronicle (DeKalb, Illinois) is looking for a freelance reporter to cover the NIU-Toledo game at 8 p.m. Eastern Nov. 13 in Toledo. If interested, please contact sports editor Eddie Carifio at ecarifio@shawmedia.com
The Daily Chronicle (DeKalb, Illinois) is looking for a freelance reporter to cover the NIU-CMU game at noon Eastern Nov. 2 in Mount Pleasant. If interested, please contact sports editor Eddie Carifio at ecarifio@shawmedia.com
The Daily Chronicle (DeKalb, Illinois) is looking for a freelance reporter and/or photographer to cover a high school football game at 7 p.m. October 25 at Alton High School between Alton and DeKalb. If interested, please contact sports editor Eddie Carifio at ecarifio@shawmedia.com.
The Daily Chronicle in DeKalb, Illinois, is looking for a freelance reporter to cover the NIU-Miami game at 1:30 p.m. on October 19th in Oxford, Ohio. If interested, please contact sports editor Eddie Carifio at ecarifio@shawmedia.com.
We're also looking for a photographer for this one, as well.