Recent content by Gob Bluth

  1. G

    To ex-journalists who have made career changes...

    It seems crazy, but I got out 8-years ago. I loved the job, but I met my soon "to-be" wife and knew that it probably wouldn't work. I went back to school and became a teacher. It was the best decision I've made in my life. After the grind of sports journalism, teaching really is a nice...
  2. G

    Sports writer, LaGrange (Ga.) Daily News.

    My Sources tell me the new guy starts this week and nothing fishy is going on in the LDN.
  3. G

    Sports writer, LaGrange (Ga.) Daily News.

    It doesn't really need to be repeated, but Kevin is one of the best to work for. He gives plenty of time out and you don't have to stay in the office for long. If you need any details, just let me know.
  4. G

    LaGrange, Ga. sports writer

    I left the job this summer to become a teacher, but Kevin is a great guy to work for. He does a large part of the layout, so you really get a lot of time to write. There are far worse places to work. If you have any questions just PM me.
  5. G

    Sports Writer, LaGrange Ga.

    I want to say that Kevin has been great, and it was a tough choice to leave the field. If you want to get better as a writer, there are far worse places you go. Kevin gives you a lot of freedom. This is also a PM paper M-F, and a morning paper on Saturday and Sunday. Get used to a few split...
  6. G

    Sports Writer, LaGrange Ga.

    I'm the one leaving here. This is a great place to get some clips and watch some good prep sports. PM me if you want any details.
  7. G

    When Liars Blame You

    I was covering a second round playoff football game two year ago and I talked to the opposing coach. I just wanted a harmless what is your team about story. Who are the strong players, etc. I tell the coach up front that I am recording the conversation, and he says it is fine. The interview is...
  8. G

    Sports copy editor, Marietta, Ga.

    I did a resume before I started to read about the job, so I decided to not to send my clip file after that. But the SE called anyway saying they got my clip file and wanted to bring me in for an interview. I have a feeling they are not getting many people interested in the job.
  9. G

    Sports copy editor, Marietta, Ga.

    Got contacted on this job today and I decided to ask a few questions. I was kind of surprised that I got contacted, because I never sent in a clip package after reading about the troubles have been read about. After what I read about this place, I decided to stay away, but I wanted to know what...
  10. G national college football editor

    I was up for a job a year ago and looking back, I am thankful I didn't get it. I actually got interviewed twice and they set up a third interview to bring me into Nashville. At the last moment the interview was cancelled. Two weeks later, some kid fresh out of college took the post. I guess I...
  11. G

    Credentials for people who don't deserve them

    I think I know this story. If I remember this was at a SEC school and I believe I was there when it happened. If not, something like this happened at school I was at during the conference tournament.
  12. G

    Lookin' spiffy at work

    Whenever I dress up I get people cracking jokes that I am interviewing for a new job. I like to dress up from time to time, but couldn't do it every day.
  13. G

    Pissed off coaches

    I wrote a column a couple weeks ago and I pissed off one of the teams in my area. I didn't write anything that wasn't true, and actually I was pretty kind. It could have been much worse, but I didn't want to bring too much bad feelings from them. Gues that didn't work. I didn't have to cover...
  14. G

    Quick question about office hours

    I am at a new shop and I was wondering if my two experiences are isolated or if this a normal thing. How much office hours do you put in during business hours. I am at a PM small shop M-F, AM Sat-Sun, and I typically work Monday, Tuesday and Friday mornings to help with design, but the rest of...
  15. G

    PM Question

    I just moved to a PM paper from a AM daily and I was trying to see how other papers handle the smaller sports. At the AM I was at we always were called by coaches after their games, then we would put them in a roundup. Now, I am trying to see what are methods that worked for some PM's. Do you...