Recent content by HeyShawwwty

  1. H

    Increasing your Twitter following

    Too many times, people simply Retweet and never actively engage in a conversation or share their opinion on said tweet. If you really want to get noticed, try to reply to tweets (you otherwise would've only Retweeted) about 80% of the time. Or if the tweet you want to retweet is short enough...
  2. H

    Greetings from a new member!

    Cows. But come winter you'll see a mutilated deer on the side of the road every mile or so.
  3. H

    Greetings from a new member!

    I didn't realize exclamation points weren't allowed in the anything goes forum...
  4. H

    Greetings from a new member!

    Spotted Cow is easier to ship.
  5. H

    Greetings from a new member!

    Good afternoon! I wanted to take the opportunity to introduce myself to those that frequent these forums. I'm excited to start being a part of this site because I can tell people really do interact and respond to others. A little about myself... I am 21 years old and attend UW-Madison where I...