Recent content by JordanGarretson

  1. J

    Media Bowl Gifts

    Heading to Phoenix tomorrow to cover Iowa v Oklahoma in the Insight Bowl. I haven't covered a bowl game before, so I'm looking forward to it. Not having to worry about class should be nice, too.
  2. J internships for 2012

    If you haven't heard back on this one yet, you're probably not a finalist. Congrats to all those who made the first cut.
  3. J

    Sports co-editor in Le Mars, Iowa

    Used to be a great HS football program. Looks like they've more or less gone in the tank recently.
  4. J

    Oklahoma football beat writer - The Oklahoman

    This young lady was doing the same internship last summer that I did this summer. I am pretty damn impressed, that's a nice couple of gigs to start your career with.
  5. J

    Another reporter who made us look bad...

    When I clicked the link, I was pretty surprised to see the guy was older. I imagined some young punk such as myself.
  6. J

    Another reporter who made us look bad...

    Just read about this earlier today. I was at the event last year (wasn't there this year because of my internship) but I would have had a hard time keeping a straight face if that happened in front of me. Guy's also lucky his girlfriend's an Iowa fan because Kirk may be the only one of those 12...
  7. J

    Running 2011 Baseball Thread, Vol. I: Dedicated to spnited

    Magglio's home run 'celebration' is definitely debateable - he easily could have been watching to see if it was fair. But to say Guillen 'watched it a bit more' is a 'bit more' comical, though. It was pretty bad. Here's evidence...
  8. J

    Running 2011 Baseball Thread, Vol. I: Dedicated to spnited

    ^ This. From talking to Jered multiple times this summer, I can tell you he's a class act. He's also ultra competitive and has an old school sort of approach. The throw at Avila was justified, but it shouldn't have been at his head. I don't get where Guillen gets off on getting involved in...
  9. J

    Yep, that's the guy

    Him being listed as a sex offender could mean something as insignificant as public urination...But it's better fodder for jokes if we assume worse :)
  10. J

    Acquiring and cultivating sources' trust

    Hi all, This is a fairly simple question, and maybe somewhat stupid. What are the best ways to acquire 'inside' sources, and cultivate and build your relationship and the trust between you and said sources? The obvious seems to be report fairly and accurately, and of course, be courteous. As a...
  11. J

    Top-five things chicks don't get about us

    Things chicks don't get about us: -Arguing online in message board threads like this one.
  12. J

    Internet introductions are awkward...

    Sorry for the late response, I missed your post. But no Brandon Wegher sightings, that I'm aware of, at least. Kind of a sad story at this point actually.
  13. J

    Thinking of starting a blog. Where to go?

    Can't beat WordPress. For a free host, it's pretty flexible and has a very intuitive interface. Some nice free themes, too.
  14. J

    2011 Pro Wrestling Thread

    Well my prediction is already donezo. Still wouldn't be surprised to see Del Rio cash in on whoever wins this tourney though, especially if Kofi makes it to the finals...but that would pretty much set up for a Kingston/Del Rio WWE Title program and I don't think WWE wants to build Summerslam...