Recent content by King_Cecil

  1. K

    STATS pass

    that's no fun.
  2. K

    STATS pass

    The STATS pass ( that has an incredible number of stats sortable by almost any category - how do I obtain this? I mean, can I just call them up and say I'm a member of the media and would like free access to it, or do I have to go through some screening process to use it?
  3. K

    content and copyright

    Well I just wanted to be 8.5x11 so they could fit nice and neat in my envelope without having to fold them but hey, if that's what the editors like then cool. I'm not really in the job's a just weird situation and I found a position I liked and wanted to apply for it. Thanks for the...
  4. K

    content and copyright

    another thing to note is that my a few of my clips are bigger than 8.5x11 so I asked the customer service woman (this question is what prompted the whole thing anyway) if there was a way I could preview the copy to see if I had resized it correctly and she said "no". Seriously, in this world of...
  5. K

    content and copyright

    so I went to the local kinkos today to make some copies of my freshest clips and I had to ask one of the customer service people a question. After she answered my question, she noticed the articles in my hand and said "but you can't copy those, that's copyright infringement." Huh? I told her I...
  6. K

    yes, another clips question

    What's the best way to package clips electronically? I know I asked this question about a year ago and somebody mentioned that you could do something Quark or whatever, but I don't have Quark or InDesign or anything like that. So what's the best way to package clips electronically? I know it's...
  7. K

    Troy Smith's speech

    Worked with AND for Steve Snapp. Dude's a brick. Klingelhoffer, on the other, is much easier to deal with. He also seems like he generally enjoys his job unlike the Devil - er - Snapp, I mean.
  8. K

    which laptop should I get?

    well it I don't think it could be more clear than that. Thanks for the feedback everybody. I just have never really dealt with Macs, except in J-school, so I guess I was a little apprehensive. I don't like the fact that I can't get a broadband card for it, but honestly I wasn't going to get one...
  9. K

    which laptop should I get?

    I'm getting a laptop, and I need some feeback as to which one you think I should get. I will be covering D-1 football, basketball, nhl and recruiting. I mostly write, but will do occaisonal design. The computer will be my everything computer- home, work, leasure, etc. Have it narrowed down to...
  10. K

    whitlock leaves page 2 for aol sports

    I'd rather read Whitlock's pomposity than Scoop's.
  11. K

    How different is INdesign as opposed to QuarkXPress?

    Is there anywhere I can purchase a demo of InDesign so I can practice it without having to drop the $700 or whatever it costs on the full program? edit: Nevermind, found a free 30-day trial on the Adobe Web site. Now I just need to find some tutorials.
  12. K

    Sports reporter, Manchester (N.H.) Daily Express

    anybody know anything about this?
  13. K

    Sports Reporter, Fayetteville, AR.

    Any chance they consider an entry level candidate who has done a lot of baseball coverage?
  14. K

    need help finding an email address...

    I need help finding an email address for an associated press sports writer. I have met him before and have actually covered a game with him a few years ago, so I'm not just blindly contacting him. But I have somehow lost his contact info, and I would like to get in touch with him again. How do I...
  15. K

    Sports Reporter, Salem (Ore.) Statesman Journal

    any info on this opening? Are they still taking applications?