Recent content by modryrox

  1. M


    If they did have basketball games surrounding cheerleading competion, we might actually show up to cover the hoops game.
  2. M

    When to cut bait

    When I started school way back in 93, the first thing they told us in j-school was you'll never make any money doing that. most of the people i went to j-school with either are in another field or returned to school and got a different degree. money's a good thing, but doing what you love can't...
  3. M

    copy editor 'clips'

    When applying for a copy editor or editor position, what kind of clips do you send? Do you send stories you've written, should you save terrible stories you've edited and then also send the edited version? Should you send pages you layed out? Any ideas what the higher-ups are looking for in this...