Now this is twisted. The son of the man accused of kidnapping those girls and holding them for 10 years wrote an article for the Plain Press about one of the missing girls in 2004.
I've seen that good Hyundai commercial a bunch of times, with the kids challenging each other in football. I didn't think I watch commercials, but I guess I do.
Sarah J. Phillips, who i had never heard of until this story broke (I haven't read Page 2 since HST), is a bigger star than ever. Her sort-of journalism career is over, but she's guaranteed porn money. Perhaps a scene with Stephen Glass? He's always looking for work... Or better yet a scene with...
I'd love to hear an audio recording of her interview with Hoppes when she was hired. If the Indian dude created her, did he have a friend talk on the phone, and if so how did she fake sports knowledge? Does the Indian dude have a really convincing female voice?
I started out in a yearly -- high school yearbook -- and have made it in the business.
Just the fact that this paper has survived and is under the same ownership as years ago is a good enough sign.
Congrats to Gribble.... I just got caught up on this thread, and forget whether it's right or wrong to out people like that (I think it's totally wrong), but it's actually pretty sad. If Mizzougrad gets his life's enjoyment from being the first to tell a bunch of anonymous sports writers who is...
In this market with so many good journalists looking for a job or a promotion, I'm sure they'd consider a preps writer with no college or pro experience as their columnist and face of their sports section. You should definitely apply.
I didn't realize he paid sources until I just read about the Brett Favre thing. That ain't cool.
But as a reader, not a journalist, I am glad those emails from Conlin are out there.