Recent content by Registered_Muser

  1. R

    Lead columnist, Tulsa World

    Did they ever fill this one?
  2. R

    Local developer buys San Diego U-T

    Considering that the U-T is already pretty much considered in the Chargers' pocket, no surprise here.
  3. R

    ESPN LA staff

    Second day: The only new thing on their site this morning is a "LA SportsCenter" video updating the Joe McKnight situation, but nothing new from the writers. I didn't mean my last post as a total putdown. My suspicion, though, is that if we're looking for a daily written product here we're not...
  4. R

    ESPN LA staff

    Here's the launch: Thoughts? My feeling is that it's certainly nothing special or any sort of must-read.
  5. R

    Stunning that there hasn't been more scuttlebutt about who might be joining the WWL's LA outpost, especially since the launch is Dec. 21. Only name I've heard is Tony Jackson to cover the Dodgers. Anyone hear or know anything?
  6. R

    Sportswriters funnier on Twitter?

    Where do the policies by publications restricting social networking use fit into all this? (For instance, the idea at some places that if you're going to use Twitter you'd better use the newspaper's feed instead of your personal one?)
  7. R

    Bernie Miklasz: The Rams don't like the local media. Waaaaaa!

    Why is this a big deal? I'm guessing Simers knows Devaney from his days as a Chargers beat writer (I think Devaney was there at the time, during the Bobby Ross era). T.J. covered the Rams when they were in Anaheim, too, so if he's schmoozing with John Shaw does that mean the team is giving him...
  8. R

    Tribune Company to Drop AP?

    Nah. They'll just have Randy Carlyle and Terry Murray call in their results.
  9. R

    Columnist - Richmond Times-Dispatch

    Bump. Anything new on this one?
  10. R

    Univ. Miami football locker room no longer "open"

    Both USC and UCLA have open locker rooms. Guess it has something to do with being in the No. 2 market in the country.
  11. R

    Sporting News Today thread (what do you think?)

    My evaluation after three days: Not impressed. Not only isn't it The National, it's not even close. I don't see any good reads in here, no columns or features -- just notes and tidbits and short stories that you can get in easier-to-navigate form other places. (Their web-unfriendly format...
  12. R

    Anyone out there hate the team you cover?

    Not to give too much away about the reason I started this thread ... but let's just say the weekend's NFL playoff results (one in particular) made me very happy.
  13. R

    Anyone out there hate the team you cover?

    Just curious. I'm guessing that with all the horror stories of access problems, inefficient/arrogant PR/SID staffs and dictatorial coaches, a lot of us fit that description. Another question: If you do, how well are you able to keep it out of your copy?
  14. R

    Most media-friendly NFL teams

    Can't believe nobody mentioned the Chargers in the "worst" category. Arrogant and condescending even before they had a right to be.
  15. R

    The National (kinda, sorta) Resurrected

    For an L.A. based staff: SE: Bill Dwyre. (With no budget or space limitations, I’m confident he’d take it. If he didn’t, R. Muser would be happy to do it) Page 1 columnists: Mark Whicker, Jason Whitlock, Jackie MacMullan, John Canzano Page 2 columnist: Simers MLB national: Peter Gammons, Tim...