Recent content by rhetty1117

  1. R

    Running AP complaint thread?

    Anyone know what the heck takes so long with these short Arena Football capsules? The Philadelphia-Georgia game has been over for at least an hour, and we can't get 5 graphs? I mean I know it's Arena League, but on a slow night, we could use it. They move D-III football caps faster than this.
  2. R

    AP's NCAA Tourney Capsules

    I've seen people post on here before with requests to the AP, so I figured I'd try it. Anyone else annoyed with the AP's NCAA Tourney caps? I'm all for creative ledes, but whoever is compiling the capsules is getting crazy. Some of us don't have room to run four or five paragraphs for each...
  3. R

    Yo AP! Heisman photos?

    They're really on the ball tonight. Now they've removed an earlier photo because "Ooops, that's not Smith. That's Darren McFadden."
  4. R

    Yo AP! Heisman photos?

    i'm really wondering if something went wrong with the AP photog or something. cause now we're getting photos of him walking outside in Times Square AFTER the presentation.
  5. R

    Yo AP! Heisman photos?

    We get a photo of some drunk Buckeye fans in a bar, but nothing of the trophy and winner? They could've let him pose for it this afternoon.
  6. R

    Yo AP! Heisman photos?

    I've seen this work on here before for other people, so I'll try it. Can we get some photos of Troy Smith with the Heisman? The ceremony's been over for 90 minutes.
  7. R

    Sports writer, Williamsport (Pa.) Sun-Gazette

    I will out myself as a former staffer at the Sun-Gazette, who changed jobs right after the Little League World Series this summer. I believe they technically replaced my position, but this may be them finally replacing a guy who left a few months before me, and going back up to five full-timers...
  8. R

    Entourage Season Finale ... spoilers

    I thought I read somewhere that Piven hasn't re-signed his contract. I can't find it right now, but that could explain him getting fired.
  9. R

    Babe Ruth World Series Logo?

    I've seen people post on here a few times looking for something like this, so I thought I'd give it a shot. Anyone have, or know where I can get, a useable logo for the Babe Ruth World Series? If there is such a thing? We've never had a team there before, so this is new for us. Thanks a lot.
  10. R

    Bobby Abreu to NYY for steaming pile of crap

    Re: Bobby Abreu in, and now out, of today's lineup As a diehard Phils fan, I agree that the names in the trade aren't great. But to be able to find a team to take all of the contracts for Abreu and Lidle, that's not bad. They need pitching, and they weren't going to get it from the Yankees. So...
  11. R

    Worst beating you've ever seen in high school sports

    I covered an 88-12 Division II college football game last fall. And it happened to be the first college football game I had ever attended (no football at my school). Four of the touchdowns came in the fourth quarter by the winning team's fourth-string running back. The coach felt so guilty...
  12. R

    NBA Finals Early Lead?

    midnight eastern, but with the way the final few minutes of a fourth quarter usually go, I was just curious.
  13. R

    NBA Finals Early Lead?

    Does anyone know if the AP is planning a fill-in story for those of us with early deadlines? I didn't do desk during Game 1, so I'm not sure if they did one then.