Recent content by Satchel Pooch

  1. S

    Slumdog Millionaire

    * The host was a great role * I know it weaved into the narrative, but the final question was way too easy for a final question. It's clear that even Slumdogs were at least assigned to read the book. * The older brother looked like an Asian Emile Hirsch
  2. S

    I believe tonight is Darlene on Dave

    If I recall correctly
  3. S

    A really stupid idea

    What about charging five bucks a month to see the paper as it is posted to the site, but keep it free to see everything after, say, noon? Updates and breaking news remain free all the time, but youll have to pony up to read columns, notes, features, etc. when you get to the office.
  4. S

    The New Michelle Obama

    Michelle O reminds me of DeAngelo's mom/String's sister on The Wire.
  5. S

    Help me pick a comedian to see in Vegas

    Saw Kevin James and he was hilarious ... only heard Ray's standup for the first time on Sirius the other day ... very funny. I second Vinny Favorino (sp), whom we've seen live. I think he's at the IP or Fitzgerald's ... somewhere small.
  6. S

    Liz Phair's Cinco de Mayo came on the ol iPod today

    Anyone else ever get a time-appropriate song on theirs? Weird.
  7. S

    iPod question

    Can't let that pass without props.
  8. S

    Why I Love Sirius, part 5,981

    Anyone else get irrationally angry when you're in a nonsatellite car and look to where the satellite receiver normally is to see what the song is but ... oops no display? Shiiiiiiiiiiit.
  9. S

    The Office is Back!

    About 10 years ago a gal I was going out with had a friend whose boyfriend did that to her ... I guess I wasn't affected by Jim doing this because of the joke was in my past, but it was still funny and I'm glad a lot of you didn't see it coming. (It was one of those things where I thought...
  10. S

    John Marzano, RIP

    I'll always remember him for being part of the 84 Olympians subset that featured Mark McGwire. Always got more Maraznos and Oddibe McDowells than Big Reds.
  11. S

    It Is Not Possible For A Man To Be More Of A deck...

    Some gambling radio show should have Kristol on on Fridays for his NFL picks so the listeners can bet the other side and retire.
  12. S

    Should you buy GE stock today?

    Should I buy now? Only if Jack Donaghy is about to take over for Mr. Gueiss.
  13. S

    How long until we see ....

    I wondered that same thing about a year ago (with the proviso that they can also print special editions after big game wins so people have something to pin up on their walls.) Why WOULDNT they do this?
  14. S

    Clevelanders mourn: RIP Gib Shanley

    Kll have to go on youtube later and see if the clip of him burning an Iranian flag during one of his sportscast is on there. Gibber, casey and nev are all gone.
  15. S

    "concert for n.y." dvd

    And in the world of other 9-11 performances, PJ and neil young doing Long Road on Tribute to Heroes was well above average, as well.