Recent content by Scott Carefoot

  1. S

    Favorite lede you've ever written or read?

    This lede for a story on Toronto's Ryerson Rams hockey team never fails to make me laugh because I can just imagine how clever I must have thought I was at the time: "The Concordia University Stingers hockey team were more like...
  2. S

    More Le Batard hijinks

    There is no question Dan has a lot of disposable income. He could have used that money on pointless luxury goods and you would have never known about it. Instead, he spent the money on these billboards (six of them!) that he knew would get under the craw of humorless people who take sports too...
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    More Le Batard hijinks

    LeBatard did this as a joke. He is not really broken up about LeBron leaving Miami, as you can see by this completely sincere column where he expresses his gratitude for what LeBron brought to Miami: With this...
  4. S

    Le Batard, Deadspin, the HOF vote

    Inadvertently, I think you've revealed exactly why LeBatard did what he did. He doesn't value his BBWAA membership and enjoyed riling up its members with this stunt. It's clear that BBWAA voters are just as guilty as fans of rooting for players they personally like regardless of their actual...
  5. S

    Boston Globe drops paywall for Marathon coverage

    It's not feasible to make some sections free and keep other sections behind a paywall on such short notice. Dropping the paywall altogether was probably something the technical team could do in 2-4 hours, if not less. As for business strategy, the Boston Globe is far and away the best newspaper...
  6. S

    Seattle's Steve Kelley hates anonymous comments

    I think some (most?) mainstream media sites probably shouldn't allow comments for the reasons already listed. But I find that too many media people who have to deal with comment threads tend to lump the majority of their readers together as drooling savages when, from my experience, it's usually...
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    Seattle's Steve Kelley hates anonymous comments

    The real problem is that most newspapers don't have the resources to pay for full-time moderators for their comment sections. Comment threads are no different than message boards. If they're unmoderated, they'll inevitably deteriorate into chaos. The Globe and Mail tends to have reasonable...
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    Seattle's Steve Kelley hates anonymous comments

    If that's how you interpreted my post, I apologize for not being clearer. I meant that mainstream sites are destined to attract their fair share of troll commenters no matter what. Otherwise, I find the level of discourse in comment discussions tends to correlate with the quality and...
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    Seattle's Steve Kelley hates anonymous comments

    The NY Post has Facebook comments, and people regularly post racist, sexist, xenophobic comments under their real names with a link to their Facebook account showing their real jobs. It still astonishes me. I think it shows remarkable contempt and arrogance to say that all media website comment...
  10. S

    Sports On Earth goes live

    This site is a lot more modern than any of you are giving it credit for. If you have a tablet and a smartphone, look at this site on those platforms as well as on your computer and gaze upon the future of how content will be consumed. This is an impressive achievement in responsive design...
  11. S

    Bonds begins HOF campaign

    Can I borrow your time machine when you're not using it? Pro athletes who played before racial integration should be diminished way more than PED abusers because they didn't play against all of the elite players of their generation. It's difficult to measure how much PEDs helped Barry Bonds...
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    Bonds begins HOF campaign

    It boggles my mind that people can claim that "The Babe" was an all-time great when he didn't have to face blacks and Hispanics. I would have loved to see The Babe try to get around on an Aroldis Chapman fastball.
  13. S

    Are sportswriters funny anymore?

    Humor is subjective, but whoever started this thread must be making a point to avoid reading online-only writers on principle. As mentioned previously, Drew Magary, Spencer Hall and Jon Bois are all very, very funny writers. I'm biased because I work with him, but I think Trey Kerby of The...
  14. S

    David Stern makes people like Jim Rome

    Ernst & Young audits the proceedings and the ping-pong balls are drawn in the presence of media members as well as representatives of each of the lottery teams. I guess they're all either in on the scam or Stern is hoodwinking the lot of 'em year after year.
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    David Stern makes people like Jim Rome

    Stern can answer idiotic questions like that however he wants because he knows he's near the end of a run as NBA commissioner that has been so successful that it would probably take him eating a live baby on national television for the owners to remove him from his job. Rome's line of...