Recent content by SeanKennedy

  1. S

    Enterprise, features and outdoors sports reporter -- Staunton, Va.

    Can tell you with 100 percent certainty that Staunton is a good small down. Nice downtown. If you enjoy mountains/outdoors, enjoy.
  2. S

    Deputy Night Editor - Daily Press (Newport News, Va.)

    This job isn't all Sports. It's a universal desk, so you'd be dealing with news and sports. Feel free to contact me (sdkennedy at with any questions. Company: Daily Press Position: Seeking Deputy Night Editor Location: Newport News, Virginia Job Status: Not Specified Salary: Not...
  3. S

    New job is a journalism time machine

    You probably can learn a heck of a lot about journalism there. Take it in while you're there.
  4. S

    Best PC desktop monitor for writers?

    We use old Dell monitors, keyboards and mice w/ our laptop docks in the office.
  5. S

    Cover UVA football, Charlottesville VA

    I can't say enough about Charlottesville (the town). Fantastic place to live - no matter what you're looking for. And it's not too far from Richmond and DC. Good town.
  6. S

    Palm Beach, Tweets, Virginia Tech, Miami

    Beamer apparently did discuss it:,0,3526036.column
  7. S

    Sports reporter wanted to cover Va.Tech

    Very glad to see this. Big shoes.
  8. S

    Man shot outside the Orlando Sentinel

    Yikes. And the comments are awful. (I would think, yes, the loading dock is part of the building.)
  9. S

    Blog Software

    I would recommend WordPress, especially if you want to get serious about it.
  10. S

    New Leader of AP Sports Editors Seeks Candidates

    Didn't start well, definitely won't end well.
  11. S

    Toronto's obscene cover

    I don't have a problem with it. Sure, you're going to get calls from people who disagree, but that's part of the job. Then again, there were a LOT of better photos available. Doubt I would have picked this one.
  12. S

    Sports Editor -- The (Hampton Roads, Va.) Daily Press,

    Our long national nightmare is over. Andi Petrini, who has been working on the desk since 2005, was named SE here today.
  13. S

    Writers Who Could Be GMs

    Not sure if any of those NFL guys could really be an NFL general manager. I do know that Matt Bowen, who writes for National Football Post and (I believe) the Chicago Tribune at times, could probably be a decent coach or GM.
  14. S

    For the Editors/Managers - Finding Interns?

    I know we usually try to establish good relations with local colleges, and feed from their j-schools/english/college newspapers. The college (non-daily) newspapers often have weekly meetings that you may be able to attend and talk about real-life journalism and answer questions. And then talk...
  15. S

    Sports Reporter to focus on the Redskins - Fredericksburg, Va.

    Rich did a heck of a job on this beat, and that wasn't easy to do with all of the other outlets in the area. Big shoes. 49k print circ., but Redskins fans provide clicks galore.