This Kidd to Milwaukee story is pretty insane.
He's right to feel underpaid after the deals that Kerr and Fisher got, but he's only had one year and completely overplayed his hand with the Nets.
Sorry, that's bullshirt.
It's obviously not every soccer fan, but it's at a much, much higher level than most other sports. Soccer fans are like prep parents.
We would have people who would call when we didn't travel with the local MLS team. They would call when we didn't send a writer on the...
I'm kind of the same way. I covered the 1994 World Cup and it was incredible. The nationalism was far better than anything you ever see at the Olympics.
I usually watch the US matches at the World Cup. It helps that they're on during the summer when our sports menu is limited.
But in most...
Yeah, I have no idea why anyone would make an action movie, geared at a younger audience and make it that long.
Transformers I was almost 2 1/2 hours and the second and third were over 2 1/2.
Man, that 2001 draft was a horrid one. It would have been interesting to see if it would have been different for all those HS guys if the current rules were in place and they had to go to school for a year.
Saric could pay off dividends as well. I would have been curious to see how high he would have gone in the draft if he was available to play next season.
I'm curious what Philly's plans are. For a team that people think is going to tank next season, they tried awfully hard to trade up and take...
I don't really see it as a "scoop" but it gives people a reason to tune into social media while watching these things. It actually makes the whole experience kind of enjoyable. Instant information, instant reaction, instant commentary.
Yeah, it sounds like he's led a strange life, and I would not be surprised if he's mentally ill. But like you said, this isn't a Lindsay Lohan deal. He's made a truckload of money.
I would not be surprised at all if he's not around in 3-5 years.
I don't think that's his issue. He had an insane level of success as a young adult and all he had to do to sustain that success was to not do something incredibly stupid, things like biting the hands of the directors/producers who were putting him in huge franchise movies.